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Industrialization Of Featured Agriculture ("Three Hot Crops") In Baodi, Tianjin: Development And Policy Implications

Posted on:2005-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Baodi is an agricultural district of Tianjin. Three "hot" crops (green onion, garlic, and aquila pepper) are Baodi's main cash crops and products with peculiar features. As mainstay of Baodi's agriculture, the development of the 3 hot crops has been planned for the long term. Nevertheless, the 3 hot crops are still underdeveloped, and its industrialization is at very initial stage. This thesis reviews the development and problems encountered with the 3 hot crops, refers to successful cases of such development at home and abroad, and concludes with a development model for Baodi's featured agriculture. Industrialization of featured agriculture is a must for Baodi, by which the crops are cultivated in a relatively large region with professional management and streamline commercial services. Some policy priorities are formulated for the development of 3 hot crops, which include (1) a well system of breeding for the 3 crops has to be set up; (2) the growth area of the 3 crops has to be well planned and organized; (3) the leading enterprises have to be empowered for competence in market; (4) a well performing market system be prescribed; (5) technology should be emphasized for the improvement of productivity of the crops; (6) leadership should be improved in order to create a good environment for the development of Baodi's featured agriculture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Baodi, featured agriculture, three hot crops, industrialization
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