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Deng Xiaoping's Thoughts On Well-off Society And Its Development

Posted on:2005-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122491801Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
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Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society is the important component of Deng Xiaoping Theory. To probe into Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society, especially under the historical condition of building a well-off society in an all-round way put forward in the Sixteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, is of important theoretic and practical significance.To discuss Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society, we'll analyse theorigin of the thought first. Looking back the development of Chinese traditionalculture, Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society has profound traditionalcultural origin. Chinese traditional culture provides Deng Xiaoping's thought ofwell-off society with rich resources. The thoughts of "a common world"described in ((Lijing -Liyun)) and "a well-off society", which have been infiltratedinto Chinese culture of thousands of years, are deep-rooted in Chinese civilian'sminds. Deng Xiaoping, as a son of Chinese people with strong patriotism,undoubtedly is influenced by the thought or culture of a well-off society. DengXiaoping, as a determined Marxian, Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off societycomes down Marxism in one continuous line. The description on future society ,theory on oriental society and socialistic " transitional stage " advocated by Marx>Engels and Lenin established foundation for Deng Xiaoping's theory onconstructing Chinese style socialism, and Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-offsociety as well.The advocation of Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society has deep traditional cultural origin and it came into being under specific social historicalbackground. Therefore, to discuss the social historical background is of greatimportance for us to comprehend Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off societycomprehensively. Simply speaking, Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society,which is a new concept of epochal characteristic, is put forward on the basis ofreflecting historical experience, standing objective realistic national conditions,scanning worldwide development trend and in pursuit of national rejuvenation andpeople's livelihood. The concept of well-off society, which has socialism epochalintension, describes the phasic development goal hi Chinese modernizationprocess is creatively put forward by Deng Xiaoping, coordinates thedevelopments between economy and society comprehensively and sustainably, isoutward-looking and depicts the aspirations of the Chinese people. The substanceof Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society is concrete reflection and practicalexpansion of the thought of constructing Chinese style socialism in present stage.Therefore, the thought of well-off society is of great theoretic and practicalmeaning.Constructing a well-off society in an all-round way enriches and develops Deng Xiaoping's thought of well-off society. The goal of constructing a well-off society in an all-round way as follows: According to the development objectives of the years 2010, 2021, 2049 put forward in the Fifteenth Congress, we'll concentrate our energy on building a higher -level well-off society comprehensively to benefit billions of civilians in the first two decades of 21st century, to make economy more prosperous, democracy more perfect, science and education more advanced, culture more flourishing, society more harmonious, people's life more well-off. Through the construction of this stage, we'll continue striving after the goal so as to achieve modernization by the fifties of this centuryand make China a rich, mighty, democratic and civilized social democracy. But development advantages N beneficial conditions and a series of great challenges and disadvantageous factors co-exist in the process of constructing a well-off society comprehensively. Therefore, holding an objective stance on these advantageous and disadvantageous factors will promote the fulfillment of well-off society.The Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party...
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, well-off society, thought, develop
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