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Pangang Strategy Research

Posted on:2003-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092965975Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After China entered into World Trade Organization, domestic steel companies face great risk. Pangang, which is the greatest steel enterprise in the west region of China, is responsible for restructuring the steel industry in the southwest region and developing nature resource in Panxi region. How to catch the opportunities and avoid the threats? Pangang should consider the problem carefully.The paper is based on the corporation strategy theories, and the author mainly adopts the SWOT method. The paper absorbs the research results in recent years. From the analysis on external factors and internal factors, the author provides the strategy proposals. The author draws the following conclusions:It is Golden Age for China steel industry in the next five to ten years. Pangang has more opportunities than challenges. Pangang has great competition advantage in steel and vanadium, but many difficulties still remain. The strategy of Pangang is Returning to Core Industry. Based on core competence, Pangang must keep on developing the steel industry and vanadium industry, while developing the Titanium industry step by step. The paper also discusses the competitive strategy of main industry, and puts foward some ideas on implementing the strategy.The paper primarily solved the problem on Pangang development. The author is the core member of Pangang strategy research group; we believe the paper will influence the decision-makers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategy, Research, Pangang, Iron, Steel, Vanadium, Titanium
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