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Liu Yuxi's Concept Of Heaven And Man

Posted on:2011-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360332955579Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship between heaven and human is always the basic problem of traditional Chinese philosophy, throughout the history of Chinese philosophy, and Liu Yuxi's viewpoint of heaven in ancient China relations theory of development, is an integral part, has an important historical position. In Liu Yuxi, before the discussion on the basic concept of heaven can be divided into two opposite views: one is Heaven theory, which is the Man theory. The former emphasizes the harmony of nature and man, the latter stressed that people should use natural things for themselves, while also stressed the objectivity of the law, that is to be based on respect for the laws of nature use and transform nature. Only two different values of focus, but can complement each other. Liu Yuxi is along the latter route, developed a more comprehensive and complete theoretical model.Liu Yuxi's viewpoint of the Warring States period was mainly inherited the phrase out in the Xun Zi under the thinking, on this basis, Liu Yuxi made for a win with the people cross, but also compared with the point of view. On the strength on the basis of monism, Liu Yuxi that the relationship between heaven and man is the relationship between nature and people. He first distinguishes between the respective functions of Heaven and man, between that day and both opposition and struggle side, both unity, contact side, the two can complement each other, use each other. Secondly, Liu Yuxi on the relationship between heaven and who concluded that:people who can win almost day, law also. It is precisely because in the social field. People can have their own organizations, social organizations formed the basis of that law, people can come to govern the country according to law, management of social affairs, so as to achieve the purpose of maintaining social stability. Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty before the debate on the relationship between heaven and man made more systematic summary, illustrates the dialectical relationship between heaven and man, that the interaction between heaven and of the defects, Heaven does not make up the deficiency with pre-said, to start from the pre-Qin understanding of the relationship toward heaven raised to a new level. Liu Yuxi's viewpoint of the history of philosophy in ancient China has a unique historical position and the far-reaching implications. Meanwhile, Liu Yuxi's viewpoint of contemporary society has an important role in guiding and reference, mainly as follows:First, Liu Yuxi, Heaven and human hand over win, also phase of viewpoint of the socialist ecological civilization construction, maintain the natural balance of ecological environment, the implementation of sustainable development strategies inspiration. Second, the relationship between man and nature Liu Yuxi relying on human society, the need to implement the rule of law, proposed to rely on the rule of law, one can win-day thoughts. The idea for the correct understanding and implementation of the rule of Law,strengthen the socialist legal system has important practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Yuxi, Heaven and Man, The day and the human hand over win
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