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Research On Cultural Connotation And Changes Of Huayao Yi Costumes

Posted on:2011-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R TangFull Text:PDF
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Hua Yao Yi costume in the history of the development process, forming its own unique national characteristics and the regional style, is to spend Hua Yao Yi culture, external performance, image display and cultural symbols, it took back Lolo aesthetic carrier. In this paper, cultural anthropology, folklore and other vision of the flower waist dress culture of Yi, Hua Yao Yi costumes by the interpretation of cultural meaning, so that more people understand the local culture, Hua Yao Yi help promote flower waist dress cultural value and aesthetic value; also reveals the cultural changes take Hua Yao Yi costumes reasons for the cultural heritage and protection of the national dress provides a theoretical reference for.This paper argues that simple Hua Yao Yi heavy clothing, components, rich colors with emphasis on morphological features and the embroidery process is Hua Yao Yi People appreciate beauty, to pursue the United States, to create a concrete manifestation of the United States; from color to reflect the spending patterns are waist ecology in harmony with nature, multi-cultural totem externalization and "free love, arranged marriage," of the marriage; Hua Yao Yi women compared to good use with the color of embroidery, embroidery pattern making fresh, smart, jump, rich, and the overall clothing colorful, fully embodies the Hua Yao Yi feeling the love of life and rich, bold national character; spend Hua Yao Yi costume color uniform, simplified Internet-based, simple and dignified, pay attention to waist and hip decoration for the United States, the formation of this unique aesthetic is Hua Yao Yi natural and cultural environment in which it; the same time, they like the clothes encrusted silver, in order to show social status and cultural connotations.With the different socio-economic development and cultural exchanges with the continuous strengthening of its clothing culture has undergone an obvious change, mainly embodied in the apparel patterns, production materials, process, function, and so dress and showed a male than female clothing Fashion changes quickly, the village faster than the speed of urban change, older than the young women's clothing, clothing changes relatively slow changes in the characteristics. Hua Yao Yi Costumes, not only of foreign cultural influence results are also due to their own cultural system, in general, thus leading to Hua Yao Yi clothing main causes of cultural change: ethnic interpersonal communication and cultural exchange is the fundamental economic revenue increase, values and aesthetics take back changes lead to new technologies involved in the Costume changes, etc. This is why the dress waist Yi interaction of multiple factors and cultural change is the result of ongoing cultural change as depth, Hua Yao Yi Costume Aesthetic Features and functions are continuous adjustment in the development and changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hua Yao Yi, Ethnic costume, Cultural connotation, Changes
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