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"好/坏+N" Structure Of Multi-Perspective Study

Posted on:2011-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308970513Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Guided by the cognitive grammar theory, the markedness theory and "three planes" theory, the author strives to make a observation of asymmetrical phenomena between "Good" and "Bad", depicts the laws of the asymmetry, and gives further explaination. The text firstly addresses classified fruits achieved on this subject and some theories involved, such as cognitive grammar theory, markedness theory and "three planes" theory.The whole thesis consists of the following four parts:The first part simply introduces the meaning about the structure of "Good or Bad+N", the research base, the research theory and methods of research which are reviewed. The author mainly introduces the cognitive grammar theory involved such as cognitive grammar theory, markedness theory and "three planes" theory.The second part analyzes the "good or bad" and "N" group with regularity from the structure of "Good or Bad+N". Firstly analyzes the "Good or Bad" with "N" in the group with status and analyses, Then she analyzes the regularity. The author believes that "Good" and "Bad" have the symmetric side and the asymmetric side.The third part analyzes the semantics of the "Good" and "Bad" from the structure of "Good" and "Bad"+N. This text respectively analyses the semantic analysis of the "Good" and "Bad", that the semantic features of unmarked items as "Good" are more abundant.The fourth part analyzes the semantics of the "Good" and "Bad" from the "Good or Bad+N" structure. "Good" and "Bad" is asymmetric in the aspect of the use of frequency and the aspect of morpheme word formation.In a word, there are some reasons of the asymmetry between "Good" and "Bad",the text explains the reasons from the cognitive approach and pragmatic point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Good", "Bad", asymmetry, noun, attribute
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