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On Gender Politics In Translating Camp Literature

Posted on:2011-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308954884Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis focuses on analyzing gender politics in camp literature translation. It aims to discuss issues such as translation as discursive practice, gender reversal in translating camp literature, gender politics and translating camp literature in China and the contributions and limitations of camp translation studies from the perspective of gender politics.Camp are gays with effeminate characteristics. Some of them are addicted to be dressed like women. Translation is a mirror of gender politics in camp literature. Gender reversal in source texts of camp literature can be spotted and rebuilt in the target texts by some translation methods and skills. Moreover, the responses and reflections from readers and critics towards camp literature translation should also be examined so as to find out enlightenment to postmodernist translation studies.The thesis is based on materials of camp literature translation. Gender reversal in translating camp literature in the West, consisting of devices of camp for gender reversal in the source texts; translating skills used to deal with the target text and reception of gender reversal in the target culture. The thesis also tends to find out gender politics of camp literature translation by means of analyzing some English-Chinese and Chinese-English translations of camp literature in the Chinese background. And finally contributions and limitations of camp translation from the perspectives of gender politics are also pointed out in the thesis so as to make the Chinese people become more interested in translation studies. Especially the limitations of camp literature translation such as the conflictive translation strategies and translation purposes, vague ethic direction and tendency of pan politicalization in camp literature translation are explored to pave the way for both the development of post modernist translation theories and translation studies in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Camp, Camp literature translation, Gender Politics
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