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The Buddhism Factors In BAI Xianyong's Novels

Posted on:2011-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308464919Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China there is a tendency that Bai xianyong's work on the study is more vigorous in recent years, but the comments of many researchers often lock eyes mainly in the Novels ideological content , modernist writing techniques, and Chinese and Western cultural traditions relations, etc.,for the Buddhism factors his novels which is more obvious are rarely involved in.This paper will works Bai xianyong's novels from the perspective of Buddhism through a combination of individual activities to show the Buddhist factors in Bai xianyong's novels and significance of the performance of existing , expanding a vision of Bai xianyong.It can be said, Bai xianyong and Buddhism forged a long history by Bai xianyong's growth experience and writing process.Buddhist influences reflected in his acting, life and other aspects of drafting, which make Bai xianyong's writing come with a different color in general. For example, in addition to writing to cure the cordial human suffering, in his old age he is also busy in good causes - actively promoting the gay rights movement for equality in Taiwan; at the same time, almost seventies, he has adapted dramatist Tang's classic The Peony Pavilion for the youth version of the Kun Opera, running on the mainland to propagate Kun Opera, excluding the cost and not asking for any reward, making contributions to the society, not asking personal fame or fortune. While Bai xianyong's motivation for literature is from his own personal experience and characters, such as early tasting of the full taste of the lonely, chewing the taste of bitterness and difficulties.Bai xianyong developed a deep introverted personality, and his attention also subsequently transferred from outer to inner, which makes him good at finding the inner fluctuations, depicting the inner feelings; the other hand, suffered from an early age influenced by classical Chinese literature and art, created Bai xianyong who is skilled in writing and affected deeply by Buddhism. In Bai xianyong's book review in fear and pity purification, he bring up that "the most important function of literature is probably arouse often dormant in human compassion," and he said what in his main purpose of literature, is "the human mind in the pain into words," writing the pain of life in words, and thus arouse the reader's benevolence. Thus, Bai xianyong's literary creation and restores are in full of the wisdom of life,and at the same time, they also reflects the Buddhist compassion.The pain expressed in his novel, is not only limited to a particular class, but also for all the common suffering in the world. In the works creating a wide variety of characters,His eyes are with an almost Buddha overlooking at the mortal beings, writing their joys and sorrows. From the lonely 17-year-ol to People in Taipei, and then compiled and published not long agoNew Yorker, Bai xianyong describes the various levels of society, many people with uncertain fate, sighing for the loss of youth, and people old easily,with dozens of short stories. The descriptions of his characters in all the stories are all experiencing varying degrees of pain, the author appeared between the lines of understatement, without exception, revealed a faint trace strands to the suffering of compassion for human feelings. Bai xianyong 's works are not recluse, but reveal the truth of suffering in the life to people.He let us see the world in a matter of wisdom, explore the causes of suffering, feel the pain of everyone through his eyes, and then overcome the pain with a positive attitude, free ourselves from the pain. In his works, love is also in an importent position,but the difference between the general writers is that the love stories in his novels are divided into same-sex love, heterosexual love and sexual love double. No matter what kind of love, once in Bai xianyong's novels, will has a "sin" element in it, which is a combination of sweet and bitter, even if it is tortured while very difficult to break away. In Bai xianyong 's pen, love can not be avoided and it is difficult to explain or salvate through the power of the outside world. In the Buddhist point of view, in love only after through their own struggle people achieve the transcendence of cocoon into a butterfly. In Bai xianyong's pen, people suffer from love,and bear the suffering alone,which shock readers and make them have the compassion at the same Bai xianyong's series of works that have shaped various kinds of people, he has gaven us bizarre, or Plaintive,or sad, or funny stories one by one, shown the true pictures of that era, depicted various lifelike pictures in man's world. The deep heart of compassion and charity he has shown in his works, has touched each reader.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bai xianyong, novel, Buddhism
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