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The Explanation Of Building Space's Esthetic In Song-Ci

Posted on:2011-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B R YuFull Text:PDF
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Ci is an important literary lyrical style, carrying the author's joy and sorrow.Express emotional needs the help of a variety of images, building images is one ofthem. Song-Ci is the peak period in the history of Ci, and building lyrical imagescountless .Many building-images in Song-Ci are not many isolation buildings butrather combined to form a space show, and the writer use the space created abackground, to express feelings.The kinds of common building space in Song-ci, the aesthetic characteristics ofthese space, the behind Aesthetic Culture of them, these three questions are thefocuses discussed in this article.There are so many Song-Ci, and varied architectural space, that we can not explaineveryone, so in the second chapter we will selecte some common types of buildingspace in Song-Ci, and summarize classified into three categories: living space, thepublic entertainment space and street space.In the third chapter, the aesthetic characteristics of the three common types ofbuilding space were described: busy and wealthy , hazy and gray , quietly and noisey.On the whole, the city in the Song Dynasty were wealthy; single building was mostmagnificent sight. Small and focused, limits the division of space is not very clear,"gray space" features prominent, there is a hazy beauty; the same space can carry avariety of emotions, can have various interpretations, such as the floor. The buildingspace in Song-Ci is not all busy, there are also quiet places, such as the deep courtyard.Therefore, the building space in Song-Ci is not only noisy but also quietly .Such aesthetic features were deeply related to the prevailing political, economicand social context . "Architecture is the stone of history books," the Song Dynastyarchitectural mapping the political changes and economic development. Of course,building technology, progress and development is also essential to create theconditions for space, such as the increased success of the courtyard created deep spacebeauty . In addition, the Song people had feminine, restrained aesthetic tendency, so many description of architectural space coated with a layer of "Sorrow" color inSong-Ci. The forth chapter will do a more detailed exposition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song-Ci, Building Space, Aesthetic Characteristics, Aesthetic and Culture meanings
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