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A Study On English Teaching Of Intercultural Communication Competence In Newly-built Colleges

Posted on:2011-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308453971Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
English as a universal language has enhanced the communication and exchange in economic and cultural aspects of the world and accelerated the globalization.However, with in-depth communication and the expansion of the scope of cooperation among countries, the need for the mutual understanding and cognition of the values, religious beliefs, customs and other unique cultural knowledge from different cultural backgrounds becomes more urgent. For the learners thinking English as a second language, learning English is with the synchronistic process of making acquaintance with the target culture. Therefore objectively, the cultural differences require that the modern English teaching change from the traditionally sole language skills teaching to the cultural teaching.Culture teaching have made great achievements at home and abroad, This paper briefly reviews the three developmental stages of culture teaching in ELT of China, and points out that its achievements are largely concentrated in the general and key institutions while it is not the case for the numerous local institutions, particularly the newly-built colleges receiving less attention and relatively small survey in recent years.The author makes an investigation into the current situation of intercultural teaching in ELT in two newly-built colleges in Hebei Province in the form of questionnaire. As the supplement, a small-scale discussion is carried out after the questionnaire test. The survey covered the English major and non-English major students and the teachers whose students have the English major or non-English major backgrounds.Through the investigation and based on the analysis of the results, the defects and deficiencies of intercultural education in these colleges are exposed and the author puts forward some constructive solutions and countermeasures.The whole thesis falls into five chapters. Chapter one is the introductory part, covering the background, the imperatives for cultivating intercultural communication competence, the significance of the study in newly-built colleges, and the layout of the thesis. The second chapter gives the definition of language, culture, communication and analyzes the nexus among the three terms; introduces the concept of ICC competence, the approaches to ICC competence, and its components. The section provides the basis for the study of cultural teaching. Following this in the main body of the thesis, chapter three presents the research methods, the reflections and discussion, and the analysis of the causes bringing about these results. In the fourth chapter, the author proposes a number of tentative suggestions on strengthening intercultural education consisting of the following aspects: teaching objectives, the change of teachers'role, curriculum materials selection, teaching methods and strategies and so on. In the conclusion part placed in chapter five the author hopes culture teaching in ELT could be given more attention and design effective and scientific syllabus and curricula to develop students'intercultural communicative competence. The thesis also puts forward some advice for the future study future as well as the limitation of this dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:English Language Teaching (ELT), Cultural Teaching, Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC), Newly-built College
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