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A Study On Hanlin Academicians As Ambassadors During The Period Of Song Dynasty

Posted on:2011-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305989729Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 10-13th century was an important period in the Chinese ancient history, in which exchange and collision existed in all ethnic groups and the regimes. During this period, diplomatic envoys of various countries kept frequent contacts with each other, and a relatively complete diplomatic system was gradually formed. Among them, the study on the diplomatic activities of the elite group contributed to a better grasp of diplomatic relations at that time.In this thesis, I will choose the Hanlin Academicians who were selected as ambassadors as research object. Based on the historical materials, this paper will systematically study the background of the times on the Song Dynasty Hanlin Academicians as diplomatic envoys, also the regimes and staffs of envoys dispatching, also the delivering and engaging rite system, also the influence on foreign relations and so on. I hope my study is helpful to deepen the understanding not only on the culture and foreign functions of the Song Dynasty Hanlin Academicians, but also on the foreign relations at that time.The body of this article consists of four parts: In the first part, the functions of the Song Dynasty Hanlin Academicians will be introduced, which helps to fully understand the group of the Hanlin Academicians; In the second part, it discusses the Song Dynasty Hanlin Academicians from macro views, which includes the exposition of the background characteristic of times, also includes a numerical statement on the regimes and staffs of envoys dispatching which was based on the historical materials, as well as the delivering and engaging rite system. In the third part, the diplomatic mission of the Song Dynasty Hanlin Academicians, the negotiation process, the treatment received on the diplomatic activities will be discussed, from which we can dig up the characteristics of the foreign relations on the Song dynasty. In the fourth part, the related issues, such as the quality and regional variations of ambassadors, the concerns of the domestic people's livelihood, the literary creation as cultural elite, mental attitude on the diplomatic activities will be analyzed, so that the study on this question can be more concrete and more effective. Perhaps it can provide us with a good perspective on the research of the history of Song, and have some practical effects on today's China to enhance its international status by diplomatic means.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, Hanlin Academicians, Ambassadors
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