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A Review On Lukacs Primitive Dialectic Thoughts

Posted on:2011-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305977061Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Georg Lukacs(1885—1971) was a famous philosopher, aesthetician, leader of communist movement, and father of trend of the western new Marxism of Hungary. Lukacs got through all his life together, and he was a man with profound thought and created many works in different kinds of style. History and Class Consciousness, published in 1923, was an important work that studied systematically about Marxist dialectics. In the book ,Hegel tried to recover the revolutionary nature of Marxism and the lively nature of dialectics which were ignored by the dogmati Marxism. Hegel understood the lively dialectics and defined the philosophic basis of Marxism all over again, offered his own thought of historical dialectics about subject and object, and discussed the history and nature from a high sense of practice and history. The thesis believes that the thought of historical dialectics from lukacs plays an important role in the theoretical enlightenment and value indication for the contemporary people to well understand and develop the philosophy of Marxism. It also has much enlightening meaning for us to study the Marxist dialectic indeas systematically, to study the scientific connotation and the contemporary value of engels natural dialectics, to understand correctly and oppose the study of the pure subjective dialectic ideas which separeted the Marxist theory itself .The thesis is based on the History and Class Consciousness published in 1923 by Lukacs. The thesis studies the primitive thought of historical dialectics Lukacs,with Lukacs historical dialectic ideas and Marxist dialectics,especially Engels dialectic ideas , refer to the books ,articles and thesis which studied the Lukacs primitive thought of historical dialectics were built on the basis of its general principle(shown by the dialectics which combined subject with object), which satisfied the nature of Marxist historical dialectics completely.The thesis contains five parts:Part 1: Introduction is a part talked about the base of selecting the subject matter, the research condition at home and abroad, and the thinking and method of scientific research of this thesis.Part 2: The historicakl background of Lukacs primitive dialectic ideas when it produced. It talks about from the theoretical background, the practical activities, the reason of age and the realistic foundation, which were produced from Lukacs primitive thought of dialectics.Part 3: The content of Lukacs primitive dialectic ideas. It represents systematically about the mainly concent of Lukacs primitive dialectic ideas from Lukacs'understanding of the concept of history, and the specific implication of Lukacs'general dialectics is the important point to represent. Also it points out the Lukacs primitive dialectics is a historical dialectics which used hitory as a logic starting point and used general principle as a core. It emphasizes the historical, totality, revolution and criticalness of dialectics, claims the explanation of Marxist humanitarianism rather than the tendy of Marxist naturalism and dogmatism, and initiates the tradition of Hegelianism and Marxist. In the end, it represents the nature of Lukacs primitive dialectics was totality. Part 4: The existent problems and causes of Lukacs primitive dialectics ideas. Mainly from Lukacs misunderstanding of Engels natural dialectic and the mistake to the study and understand of Marxism thoes two aspects, its objective observation of Lukacs primitive dialectic ideas aims at giving back a real and resonable historical position to the primitive dialectic ideas.Part 5: The theoretical effect and practical enlightenment of Lukacs tried to recover the nature of revolution of Marxist dialectics whuch was forgotten by the in stitutionalMarxism of the second international. The thesis reveals the enlightenment of Lukacs primitive dialectic ideas on Chinese construction of socialism and the effect on western Marxism, points out the importance of the theoretical and practical significance on guiding contemporary people getting rid of misknowledge area, understanging objectively and studying the theory of Marxism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lukacs dialectics, historical, totality, subjectivity, objectivity
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