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The Study Of The Image Of Moses In Epic Of The Exodus

Posted on:2011-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305968421Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moses was one of the most charming characters in the biblical literature, whose name appeared hundreds of times in the Hebrew Bible. In the Pentateuch, Moses is a well-deserved lead in addition to God. As descendants of the Levites, he was humble, but as God's chosen person to lead the people of Israel to escape the slavery of the Egyptians and realize the ideals of establish the religion and legislative. In him, both the weakness of human nature, they have the divine glory of the candles. This is a very complex character:his identity, character, and destiny often were in a irreconcilable contradictions and paradoxes, which showed a kind of tension. The Character of Moses is the subject of this study. The story of Epic of The Exodus spread out in the "Bible" of certain sections of the work, where I learn from a book of the partition method which American scholar Rohlander·Lacon used in his research monograph, "Biblical Literature", I think that the epic story of Exodus, included these main chapters:first to twentieth and 32nd to 34th chapters of "Exodus," tenth to Fourteenth, Sixteenth to seventeenth and twentieth to 24th chapters of "Numbers",32nd to 34th chapters of "Deuteronomy", which were as the object of study to explore the characteristics which the characters of Moses embodied in the background story.When operating particularly in this thesis I borrowed theory of close reading of the New Criticism, Frye's archetypal criticism and theory of Freud's psychoanalysis and combined the image of Moses and the text of Epic of The Exodus closely, which was divided into chapters to start on.The first chapter is the study about the multiple identities of Moses. Moses is a prototype of the hero, is typical of sea and river-rafting type of abandoned children. His life was divided into three stages, each stage undergone forty years as a double paradox. The first stage was forty years which Moses spent in the royal palace of Egypt. He was born in the slave house, but grew up in the Egyptian palace, the Prince was both a slave; the second stage was forty years Moses spent in Midian. He fled to Midian as a shepherd for a living. Although shepherd's image indicated Moses would become the leader of the nation of Israel; the third stage was forty years when Moses led the Israelites flee Egypt, drifting in the wilderness. When dealing with national affairs and the people of disputes, Moses was both a judge and a legislator, who had the side of Autocracy. At the same time, he also developed a set of laws, hoping to establish a fair and just societyThe second chapter is the study of the duality of character about Moses. In his possession, pride and modesty, justice and compassion, violence and justice and some elements were combined. The characters show paradox color. Behavior often was in a unconscionable, self-contradictory state. Moses was called "God", who was the only medium of communication of God and man. On the one hand, as an individual, he had exhibited weak, selfish, brutal arrogance character trait, on the other hand, his soul sublimated gradually, known as "pre-Christian form."The third chapter is the study about the Tragicomedy fate of. Moses. His fate was bumpy rifting around in his life. With the tragedy of his fate, showing a tragicomic aesthetic characteristic of concrete, which displays in the following three aspects:first, from Moses personally, although he was the great leader of the nation of Israel, but he could not see his life ideas realize before his death. Only a step removed, He only promised land from across the sea, was later known as the "Moses of West Jordan" Second, the relationship between Moses and God was full of paradox, the intersection of him and God was a separation-combined with-re-separation cycle.Third, the relationship between Moses and the people of Israel was the good times and bad, which was both harmonious close and rebellion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Moses, Epic of The Exodus, identity, paradox, prototype
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