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The Educational Implications Of Chuang Tzu's "Wu Wei" Ideology

Posted on:2011-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P A GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305963348Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research tries to explore and analyse the ideas of "Wu wei" of Chuang Tzu on education, which are completely different from those of traditional Confuciansm and are ignored and even misunderstood by the Previous researehes, and hopes to summarize them as a relatively systematic theoretical framework. Then, on the basis of this framework, this research attempts to examine the current education in our country. Refleet on its content and methods, so as to find a new theoretic perspective and some enlightenment on solving such problems on education in schools.Chuang Tzu is the precursor of naturalistic education. He believe that the education in that time is damaged by extrinsic factors, and at the expense of the needs and features on edcation and educatees. This contents of education advocated by the benevolence, faithful of such knowledge, both incited Original sin of people and will rise to fight another people. Imparting knowledge in the implementation of a simple indoctrination in education, too much emphasis on the educator position. Goals in education is also tend to achieve practical utility. For education, prevalence of a "you-wei" ideology, Chuang Tzu proposed the "wu wei" education advocate. Taoism is the ideological core of the concept of Chuang Tzu, "Tao" as the basis ideals, from the "Tao" and nature, "Tao" with "exist" and "nonexistence ", "Tao" and "you", the relationship between the departure, the system constructs an "wu wei" theory of education system and put forward the natural knowledge of the concept, the teaching concept of inaction and free personality theory. "Wu wei" is the way to for liberte individual and reach the realm of Tao. "Wu wei" is to make a natural or things according to the laws of their own movement, rather than artificially to make improper interference. In education, education theoretics and educational practice to follow its own laws and educated their own laws of physical and mental development, grasp this opportunity due to its natural genesis of any material, natural development, natural completion. "Wu wei" in education on the positive significance is obvious, not only to appear in modern education, a degree of "obsessive-compulsive disorder, " opened a recipe, and so we return to define the essence of education issues once again, and to reflect on education authentic.This dissertation includes five parts, the first part is the Introduction, a brief description of the topics of the question, the main issues addressed and the research methodology, and review the existing research literature. The second part is based on the relationship with nature around the Tao, by understanding the limitations as well as the knowledge's and the wisdom's relations, explained Chuang Tzu's view of natural knowledge. The third part is based on "exist" and "nonexistence ", summed up the process of approach Tao in language, skills and understanding through a unique understanding of their own. The fourth part, based on the relationship of Tao and the "You". between the start addresses Chuang Tzu's ideal personality of its ideals and the pursuit of educational goals. The fifth part, is the reflection about "Inaction" theoretics on education and thinking on the current education in school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chuang Tzu, Wu wei, education
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