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The Research On Methodology Of Narrative Therapy

Posted on:2011-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305963263Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to theoretical origin, modern psychotherapy schools can be divided into psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanism. There is a clear split within modern psychotherapy, and the modern psychotherapy has increasingly been called into question. The reason why the modern psychotherapy has various difficulties is because the modern psychotherapy methodology is imperfect, not able to fit the psychological study of human nature approach to thinking about people. Looking at the three major schools of psychotherapy, which contains the scientific methodology and humanistic methology.Although there are a lot of opposition of two methodologies, but the differences have the same, subject to the influence of modern thinking. To get rid of psychological difficulties, bottom out, we must jump out of the inherent mode of thinking, another way to re-examine the objectives of modern psychotherapy and methods for people to find the characteristics of the treatment. Psychotherapy calls for a new way of thinking. Postmodernism is a reflection of modernity and beyond. Against the basic doctrine, doctrine, and essentialism appearance; opposed to any stationary, fixed, rigid, single view of looking at things, to promote diversity. In the post-modern thought under the influence of narrative into the psychology of vision, the formation of narrative paradigm, the narrative psychotherapy out in the post-modern thought and the inherent logic of the dual effect of generating theory.Methodology of narrative therapy is significantly different with modern therapy in psychotherapy world view, view of health, treatment goals, therapeutic relationship and treatment methods. Narrative psychotherapy is not a clearly defined treatment system, it does not have a recognized technical procedures, or relatively fixed, outside of their specific methods include externalizing, rewrite the story, questioning, and support procedures.Methodology of narrative therapy as a new theoretical orientation, with its unique way affect the entire movement therapy. It expanded the vision of psychotherapy, which will help the integration of psychotherapy theory, but have not yet formed their own theories, it may lead to relativism. Therefore, We must base psychology on the whole construction of the humans, fully utilize advantage of both modern psychotherapy and narrative therapy, and create psychological beautiful future.
Keywords/Search Tags:methodology, post-modernism, narrative
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