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Monitoring System Of The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2011-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305957075Subject:Legal history
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Monitoring system is a feudal society, feudal important institutions of law and order system, The important part of feudal political system is, to monitor thousands of officers, dismiss an important means of promotion, to harness the magic weapon for the normal operation of the state apparatus. Ancient Chinese feudal rulers want to consolidate their ruling, The ruling class maintain the overall interests of the Future, a comprehensive and careful planned rigorous monitoring system, They accumulated lots of experience in the events. Chinese surveillance system has continued for two thousand years. Analyze the feudal system, not only historical, theoretical significance, but also has profound practical significance. Ming Dynasty's general supervision authorities constitute by two levels, the upper is central monitoring organs, including the court of censors and six subjects; the lower is the local monitoring agencies, It is an important part of the provincial local government. The Ming monitor legislation and political organization is made up by laws and law officials, The feudal autocratic system is the legal component of the Ming Dynasty. Ming Dynasty's monitoring system has a large extent, compare with previous monitoring system, Monitoring system in the Ming Dynasty has been developed, It has its own separate characteristics.This article has four parts, in the first part of the monitoring system to accept the evolution.Chinese political system is an important part of the supervision system.It begun to sprout before the Qin Dynasty. but the system is formed in the Qin and Han Dynasties.From the structure of the central monitoring, as early as the Han Dynasty, The ruling class has multi- methods to monitor. Officials in capital have been monitored by three monitoring systems, the monitoring system isn't change from the Wei and Jin Dynasty , when, the prime minister was abolished, but another officer take place.The Song Dynasty opened the beginning a kind of officer , Expostulation "in his position, often parallel the post of censor."Its terms of reference not only to persuade the emperor, but also give the Minister the information of the officers at the same, Based on strengthening the monitoring of top six officers established,The Ming Dynasty sets up a special monitoring organ systems.The ruling of the official formation has a tight and powerful network to balance their power.The second part introduces the monitoring system of the Ming Dynasty in the aspect of the composition of the monitoring body of Ming Dynasty. There were Supervising Council six subjects in the center, there were also"13 Dao"monitoring visit who were responsible for the central supervision and the local monitoring and the censors sent by the central. There still had"Tixing"provincial judge at the local,all of them thus forming a body to monitor large complex organizational system.In this part I introduced the components and the rights of Monitoring department, Lvke Jishizhong, Tongzheng Shisi,13Dao monitor ,Dufu,TixingAncha shisi and so on.The third part studies the operation situation of Ming Dynasty's monitor system. Monitoring the activities aimed at making sure the powers of state organs and officials to carry out effective supervision and regulation, so that the imperial power was maintained and the state machine in normal operation. In order to give full play to monitor organ function, the monitoring authorities and inspectors must restrict its powers. To make the monitoring authorities effect and courage the officials'spirit of daring to correct impeach outspoken, Ming rulers not only gives the monitoring officials empower and also conduct a comprehensive security operation to make sure the power, at the same time, in order to prevent abuse of power the ruler had developed a strict and detailed control mechanism. There were specific laws on the officials'selection, examination and promotion. It is this protection mechanism and control mechanism allows the monitoring system of the Ming Dynasty in a certain period of time to normal operation. Owing to these security mechanism and restriction mechanism, the monitoring system can operate normally. This part introduces the mechanism of securing the operation of the monitoring system, management of the monitors and the restrictions on the supervision rights.The fourth part makes an overall evaluation on the monitoring mechanism of the Ming Dynasty .In summary, the monitoring mechanism of the Ming Dynasty carried on the former monitoring mechanism ,and formed legal system and independent gradually. During this period, there were a lot of good offical monitors the officials rushing out. But because of the restriction of the feudal political system, the monitoring mechanism of the Ming Dynasty depended on the imperial power largely,so it had some limitations itself.
Keywords/Search Tags:Monitoring System, Ming Dynasty, Security of Monitoring
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