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The Study On Mongolian Painter Gombu And His Works

Posted on:2011-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D AoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The writer makes her best to study Gombu's painting experiences and features of his works, and appraises his important contributions to the present painting development of Inner Mongolia that he made a theory basis to the national cultural development and the developing rules of the present painting arts in Inner Mongolia.The writer tries to be based on the variety, scientificity and stringency of the research methods. She made more interviews on Gombu and collected lots of his works and publications, then did analysis, summaries, comprise to the materials. Secondly, based on interdisciplinary study, the writer made miscellaneous investigations to the materials. Thirdly, the writer used case study methods to analysis Gombu's typical works, and found the features of his works. At last, according to the Statistics Act, she found out the size, features and range of subjects, and then analyzed the regularity of Quantitative Change to Qualitative Change.The research conclusion:1.Gombu is one of the first generation Mongolian painters in New China. His experiences and styles impacted more Mongolian generations, and embody the development rules of the present Mongolian painting.2.Gombu's studies and innovation not only promoted the development of the present Mongolian painting, but also made advance to the Chinese painting.3.Gombu's painting experience can be the theory bases to the ethnic policy formulation and national cultural development.The meanings of research:1.It made a comprehensive study to Gombu's painting experiences and work's feature.2.It has important meanings to the development of Mongolian cultural studies and theory innovation.3.It has important meanings to the economic and social development of Autonomous Region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Painter, Gombu, works, affects
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