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Contrast Of Honorfic Between Korean And Chinese

Posted on:2011-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305466396Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Honorific for language learning, teaching, and culture in-depthunder standing of great significance, it is a important research between Korea n and Chinese. For Chinese students, the honorific of Korean is very com plex, rigorous, and flexible, it is always a problem in the teaching pro cess of Korean. Based on the honorific of Korean and Chinese system of s orting, comparing, explained from two aspects of Korean and Chinese hono rific of the similarities and the differences:First, through word means to reflect the honorific of Korean and Chinese.; Second, by grammatical means to reflect honorific of Korean and ChineseThis paper is divided into five parts:The first chapter is an intro duction section, These include the need for research, study and research methods, first study of Korean and Chinese honorific; The second chapte r illustrated the word means to reflect the honorific of Korean and Chin ese, he basic means of system characteristics; The third chapter, throug h grammatical means to reflect the honorific of Korean and Chinese, the basic means of system characteristics; the fourth chapter is part of com parison, from the two aspects of vocabulary and grammar for comparative analysis, discussed the similarities and the differences between the hon orific in Korean and Chinese; the fifth chapter is the conclusion.In the words means, the study can be found through the Korean and Ch inese have a rich terms of respect and self-depreciatory expressions, ma inly in the nouns, pronouns, verbs and other parts of speech among them. In the nouns, the two languages are very large number of terms of respe ct and self-depreciatory expressions, especially relatives of Polite wor ds are very well developed. There are many Korean characters with relati vely fixed word vocabulary, and Chinese, said Polite and corresponding m odification of components, namely, Polite morpheme. Meanwhile, Korean Po lite words can be distinguished by the general language or language of c hoice to achieve respect, Chinese, no such difference. Pronouns, the tab le of respect or humility Korean pronouns far more than the number of pr onouns in the number of Chinese. In the system, the Korean language in a ccordance with respect Polite pronouns can be divided into four differen t levels of hierarchy, Chinese, no obvious hierarchy. Verb, the Korean L anguage of respect or humility, but a small number of verbs used in dail y life the high frequency. Of respect or modesty in Chinese the verb mor pheme generally contain Polite and in larger quantities, but in the mode rn Chinese spoken language used less frequently. And terms similar to th e Korean Polite verbs can be distinguished on the general language or la nguage of choice to achieve respect, Chinese, no such difference.In grammar means, the Korean honorific can be classified according t o object to the listeners of different treatment, the main treatment, tr eatment of the three categories of object. The Korean honorifichas a ver y complete system, with very typical of the order category. The Chinese honorific not as establishing a strict and Korean system, Be short of mor phological changes, mainly rely on word means, and thetone changes to sh ow the performance of respect or not, does not have the typical order c ategory. Order category is whether the existenceor not is the most signi ficant difference between the honorific of Korean and Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:honorific, vocabulary tools, grammar tools, contrast
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