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Study The Conversational Complicature Of Advertising Language

Posted on:2011-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305455932Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Conversational implicature theory is an important object of the study from cognitive linguistics and pragmatics, It is just because of the start of the study of the conversational implicature theory and the speech act theory research, the pragmatics became an independent subject, instead of the concept in the Semiotics. The representative achievements of the Western linguists in theory of the conversational implicature are the Cooperative Principle, the Politeness Principle, the Horn scale, the Levinson's Generalized Conversational Implicature Theory and the Relevance Theory. These theory are not only analyze the principles followed by the conversation, but also classify the conversational implicatum with generally conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature, and study how the conversational implicatum be produced and how to derive the conversational implicatum. Some of these principles are complementary with each other, for example, the politeness principle explains the reason of the violation of the cooperative principle. And some of them have the relationship of development, such as the levinson's theory subdivide the Quantity Maxim into Quantity and Information, it also study the inference of conversational implicature according to The Horn Scale. The Relevance Principle research the inference of implicatum from the cognitive pragmatics, which belongs to the neo-Gricean theory.The neo-Gricean theory expand the classical Gricean theory and they are all used to study the conversational implicature of language.This paper give a research of the conversational implicature of advertising language by study the system of the conversational implicature, which is the important object of the Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. Meanwile, At the same time, this paper analyzes the embodiment and application of the theory of conversational implicature in advertising language. Through discussing the problems of the using of conversational principle in advertising language, it also puts forward corresponding suggestions about how to the conversational principle reasonable.Theory of Conversational Implicature has important value on the study of the advertising language. The main purpose of the advertising language is to persuade. Whether the use of the conversational implicature is reasonable or not, it can directly influence the effect the convey of the advertisement language. Advertisements of different properties and advertisements on different media, or on different cultural background, have different characteristics. These characteristics are important for the study of the advertising language. Sometimes the advertising language obeys the principles of conversation, sometimes it violates some of the them. When it obeys the principles it would be sure that the complicatum of the advertisement language can be derived by the receiver. When it violates some principles of conversation, it would be possible for the receiver to get some special meanings of the advertisement language, but it is also possible that the complicatum can not be expressed smoothly if the principles are not used appropriately. Therefore, it is necessary to use the principle of the conversation appropriately and pay attention to built the context of the advertisement language. All of them are important for the receiver to derivate the communicative intention of the advertisement language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conversational implicature, lmplicatum, Principles of the conversation, Advertising language, Receiver
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