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History And Historical Narrative In Wang Xiao-bo's Novels

Posted on:2010-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C P DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278979069Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Wang Xiao-bo is one of current writers who are richest of vitality and the color of Postmodernism. In his novels, he built many worlds where filled with imagination, vigor, life and freedom. And in his novels, characters setting, story structure and image composition are all written in the discourse and narrative of history. So having a depth view of the history and historical fiction narrative in Wang Xiao-bo's novels can help us to deepen our understanding of his mind, have a dialogue with the author at a deeper level and re-understand his unique value. Through comparing with other writers and sorting out of the history of literature, we can deepen our understanding of other writers and their works, know the pioneer-writers' achievements and difficulties they met, and get the idea what status Wang Xiao-bo is in the literature history.This article is intended to be started with details reading of Wang Xiao-bo' novels, analyze and sort out the view of history and historical narrative in his novels, summarize the characteristics of this view of history and historical narrative .By studying its causes, we can have a comprehensive understanding of Wang Xiao-bo's novels at a higher level as well as discussing this kind of view of history and historical narrative's impact and possible reference in current literature field.First, the history view of Wang Xiao-bo's novelsWang Xiao-bo implicit three aspects of the view of history in his novels. "On the history of the umbilical cord" means that "all history is the history of fiction". The author makes the fictional history to be legalized, normalized so as to remove the authenticity, inevitable, noble of the history. "The old and new are same "means "all history is contemporary history". The author uses a liberal temperament and spiritual values to guide the history and makes history stories full of modernity. "History-oriented" means "all history is our history", "all history is the history of ideas". The author uses Foucault's ideology in his history story writing, making the text full of modern critical consciousness. Politics and power which suppresses human nature and freedom becomes the focus of critical.Second, the historical narrative in Wang Xiao-bo's fictionGolden Age uses an aesthetic point of view to structure the history. The memory of "Cultural Revolution" is described in the poetic language, making historical memory full of beauty and poetry instead of heroic and tragic. The author has a complex attitude of "Cultural Revolution", which is mixed with critical and idealism. Golden age structures the history in children's perspective, which typically practices the idea of "strange" and makes the novels much funny. Silver Age is one of the "anti-utopian" novels, which expressing feelings according to the structure of the virtual world in the future. The factor of history and reality was written into the scene of the future to highlight the significance of reflection and criticism. The author built the future world according to Foucault's "panopticism-style" to discuss how the power of words carried out on individual discipline and punishment process. Through the power of critical discourse, irony and deconstruction, the author expresses his desire of life and liberty.Rewriting the classic works of literature and the history of reconstruction is traditional. Wang Xiao-bo uses modern sense to reproduce the Tang legend, making the ancient story full of vitality .In the Bronze Age, there are full of carnival color which is reflected in the Plaza Carnival, language Carnival and life & death Carnival, and so on .All of them enhances the meaning of comedy and irony.Third, characteristics of the view of history and historical narrative in Wang Xiao-bo's novels.Freedom is the consistent pursuit of Wang Xiao-bo; Lightness is a common characteristic which is described by Wang Xiao-bo's language, characters and imagination. "Intellectual, sexual, interesting" calls for all-round human development and the survival of poetry, which is also a sought-after literary ideals of Wang Xiao-bo's. Rational, scientific, logical is the characteristics why Wang Xiao-bo is different from other writers. Those four respects constitute Wang Xiao-bo's wonderful novels.Fourth, The significance and causes of the view of history and historical narrative in Wang Xiao-bo's novelsWang Xiao-bo's view of history and historical narrative is filled with deconstruction color. It mainly inherits western literary and narrative theory. Russell gives him the idea of liberalism. Foucault gives him the idea of "archeology of knowledge" and "Genealogy" as well as the structure of the concept of "power- words" and the concept of sex.In the studies of literature, Calvino gives him the imagination which is lightness and full of abstruse; Kundera gives him "the call of the game "; Duras gives him the beautiful language. In addition, China's historical tradition is one of the important aspects which infiltrates Wang Xiao-bo. Wang Xiao-bo always at the forefront in the history of contemporary literature and his works are more dynamic as well as more controversial .The methods he writes, the space of imagination which is full of fun, the beautiful and light language are all have great value for current writers. Wang Xiao-bo's work has its shortcomings, but the defects cannot obscure the virtues. Fifth, Conclusion...
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Xiao-Bo, View of history, Historical narrative, Deconstruction, Poetic
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