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The Afro-Americans Suburbanization In The Twentieth Century

Posted on:2010-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278958605Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The beginning of the Suburbanization of America began with the steamer between New York and Brooklyn and other cities and suburbs in 1814. United States Suburbanization can be divided into two periods according to the degree of development and its characteristics, that is modern times and contemporary. The majority of residents who moved to the suburbs are the white from the perspective of population structure before 1970. The heterogeneity continued to strengthen in American suburbs after 1970. The class and ethnic structure of the suburbs has changed not only white middle class moved to the suburbs, many poor and black people have moved to the suburbs.Afro-Americans suburbanization deprived from urbanization but it only occurred in the southern part of the country and is independent of the economic status of the Afro-Americans . After world war I and world war II many blacks migrated to northern cities it had been accelerating the black urbanization. The Black urbanization and increase in the number of the black in the middle class brought a lot of the black to move to suburbs. The black suburbanization has a good effect on the development of American cities and racial discrimination. In the mean time, the appearance and development of the black suburbanization also bring lots of social problems. For example: increased crime, neighborhood deterioration of the environment and the quality of school teaching and so on.In the process of the suburbanization of Afro-Americans, the white people could ascend into the procession of the suburbanization by improving their economic status, but the boundary of the different color of skin is not able to be exceeded. There is a deep-rooted racial discrimination in the United States society. The suburban developer and the real estate agent often discriminate the black. In the process of running housing business they sign discriminating contract with the black. They are unwilling to sell houses to the black or other minorities. The housing policy of federal and state governments also propelled discrimination. These policies are mainly domestic subsidies, mortgage insurance system and public housing system and so on. getting many scholars,sociologist and historians attention. They had been proposing to cancel the rule of exclusiveness and open the gate of suburbs for poor people and the black. It could stimulate them to migrate to suburbs and let them become a part of the middle class in suburbs. So the problems caused by poor people and the black gathering in downtown could be solved easily. Therefore from 1960s to 1970s the activity of opening up suburbs was carried out in America.However, the black suburbanization is full of frustrations. As the activity of opening up suburbs was carried out, so many white were leaving the suburbs who lived downtown nearby and there were new emerging slums of the black. Does the black suburbanization really bring the black to the middle class in suburban community or appear new slums in suburbs? This problem always perplexes many scholars of America.Because of the changing structure of population in the suburbs, the environment of suburban communities gets worse and the crime rate is high. Lot of white middle-class ascribed the deterioration of environment to the black "invasion." However, do the deterioration of suburban communities, high crime rate and suburbanization down caused by black suburbanization in the suburbs or constrains by various social problems? I have superficially analysed this problem in the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Black suburbanization, Opening up suburbs, Racial discrimination
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