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On The Histrical Fact And It's Knowledge

Posted on:2010-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W D SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278472922Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The question of historical facts is an important question of hostory throry,it contains the contents of two:one,does the existence of the obiective,not to man's will's historical facts is true ? two,if the existence of objective historical facts is true , whether the people can have the understanding to this kind of historical fact . Each time, each country ,historians and historical thinkers made their various replies to the question of historical facts.The History of objectivism which represented by Rank thought that the historical facts is one kind of objective existence , it just exists in the historical data . If people want to recognize this kind of objective historical facts , they should place the historical data in the chief place, research the historical data completely and thoroughly.Historian's subjective factor in carries on the process which to the real historical fact knowledges and repeats only to be able to play the negative role ,influence the authenticity of the acknowledge of the historical facts , therefore, should be set aside as much as possible.The History of Subjective idealism which represented by Dilthey thought that history has been a thing of the past that can not to be recognized , the objectivism history so-called to historical facts' understanding is just to the historical data understanding , and the historical data is not equal to the historical facts. What historian in historical understanding process main dependence is the subjective intrinsic understanding and the sympathy ,rather than as an objective history to external observation and the inquisition . Croce recognizing that history is an understanding of the current style rather than an understanding of the past.The middle ground represented by Edward Carr thought that the objectivism history's understanding object supreme and the subjective idealism history's understanding main body supreme has stepped onto the extreme , both of them are incorrect .The understanding historical fact's must be a process , with takes the process which as the understanding main body's historian the understanding object between the historical fact interacts to go forward together unceasingly . Historians and historical fact is a relationship of equality , no one has the place to dominate the other.This article holds that the historical facts as the existence of an objective can not be questioned . Certainly impossible to obtain to the objective historical fact's understanding from the historical data , but it also impossible to obtain from historian's brains and minds , the historian can only obtain to historical fact's understanding from person's social life practice . The historical fact takes social practice the condition and the foundation ,people aware of the facts of history can only come from practice , pays it in the practice , impels by the practice , and examines for the practice .
Keywords/Search Tags:Hisyorical facts, Knowledge, Practice
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