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Lao-tzu And Chuang Tzu's Natural States

Posted on:2010-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275989424Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research on the state of nature is often in the Zhuangzi as a self-evident concept of the use of a wide range of ambiguities. This paper attempts to both self-evident and the fuzzy concept to a basic definition, is about to treat this as a primary form of sound, and as a clue to explore the inherent ideological context Zhuangzi. First of all, this article will follow Schwartz and others, attempted to Zhuangzi Laozi and their common awareness of the fundamental issues have to uncover them, and give multi-level analysis. Times are rooted in corruption and confusion ran trend is of consciousness, such is the biggest sin is to stay away from a purely moral position to start the natural state, let the world become too much for man-made or that. People tend to live in their own to build their own chains; the most terrible and always the most embarrassing of all people brought about. One of the most unfortunate is that we will never be convinced, we always think we can be blurred by virtue of our own power to solve all problems; and it appears in the Zhuangzi, it is the problem of under-ran trend seems to be unable to world by virtue of the power of people to find a real solution, unless a fundamental idea of the conversion, otherwise each new solution will bring about unexpected new problems. These lead to new problems emerging in our pursuit of more and more non-stop away from nature, away from us at the same time because they always seem to think they have become more and more freedom.Secondly, I will be a demonstration of the existing "I" and "Chuang Tzu" text, there is a natural state at least three different models; and we seem to have always been the same as them of, which brought a lot of misunderstanding or the idea of wearing oldhistory of the phenomenon. This is the natural state in three different models: (1) appear in the "Zhuangzi", the miscellaneous papers of the "significant" natural state model; (2) is "I" in the text of the "implicit" natural state model ; and (3) barely exists in the "Zhuangzi" with seven of the "Class" natural state model.Finally, I will be the natural state for clues, focusing on the analysis of both Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu they coexist and cross-ambiguity miscellaneous political concept. Jun camp as a result of non-belief that the natural state as a historic form of the original, leading to the crux of the problem they attributed to the saints, so that any political or even the political itself, where they can only be a fundamental deterioration, such views directly into their destructive tendencies in the extreme. Zhuangzi only yearn for a purely private realm of Happy, the world's natural state with the rule of this realm is more than just the thread. In Lao, where the state of nature was in fact stolen and is on the Road with the operation of law, and the saints in accordance with this political reality not only to retain the logic of its own ideological foundation of the mechanism, but must be in the field of vision in the world is little for the small country before the advent of the public rally.
Keywords/Search Tags:natural states, actualstate, Lao-tzu, Chuang Tzu
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