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From Identity To Unity

Posted on:2010-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275981902Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qian Zhongshu's scholarly methods is"Going-through",as it were,striving for"Understanding",which includes that between the ancient and the present, the Chinese and the foreign,literature and other disciplines.The basic spirit of his literature and art thoughts advocates"perfectly fused and dialectic"of learning which transformed from"Identity"to"Unity".This thesis is to focus on the theory of"Understanding", and would allow us to go on to explore how he deconstructs and subverts the traditional Chinese literary theory,reveals the spiritual essence of his literature and art thoughts.This thesis discusses from three aspects:First,the consistency of"Background——Personal——Srticle"in the traditional Chinese culture which has often been misunderstood as"Identity".Qian Zhongshu is going to deconstruct this point of view on purpose.That is, to break the "Identity".It means breaking the simple cause-and-effect thinking, highlighting the importance of diversities,all kinds of diversities could constitute an unity,too.Second, it would insist on"Hierarchy"by facing different phenomenon as long as it insist on"Identity".There is a deep-rooted metaphysical hierarchy exist in the traditional Chinese culture.Qian Zhongshu breaks the "Hierarchy" in order to achieve the exchanges between different times, different regions,different disciplines and cultural equality,and keep the diversities and differences .Third,the "Unity" about Qian Zhongshu's thoughts mainly as "Going-through and blend into one harmonious whole," which has a post-modern color. Qian Zhongshu's thoughts is a continuation and evolution of the Chinese traditional literary theory. For this reason,although there were points of similarity between post-modern thoughts and Qian Zhongshu's.It isquite different from each other because of the "Unity".This thesis tries to manifests the great importance of Qian Zhongshu's literature and art thoughts.By showing a wide variety of contacts with his thoughts and the traditional Chinese concept and Western post-modern thoughts,we could point out that some basic problems of the modern academic are consistent with the traditional.It provides us with a range of new or special views to learn how to deal with old and new traditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qian Zhongshu, Identity, Hierarchy, Unity
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