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Cherson Under The Reign Of The Byzantine Empire

Posted on:2010-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275488743Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cherson was located on the west corner of the Crimean Peninsula. It was a colony which was built by the Dorians from Herakleia Pontika and later became a city. Under the influence of Greek Civilization, Chersonean handcraft and trade-business developed faster, and its economy became powered, such as the huge-theater could seat about 2000 specators as an example. Although Cherson faced the barbarian tribes frequently, it continuous growing and surviving under the protection of Pontus and Rome. Since it belonged to Byzantine Empire, Cherson was not only a military citadel and trade-centre of the Northern part of Black Sea, but also served as a media which connected the civilization of nomad in the northern Black Sea and Greek-Byzantine civilization the south.This thesis consists of the introduction, the text and the conclusion. The introduction points out the purpose, the significance of the topic and the external research condition. At the same time, I will introduce the sources that the thesis relies on and gives definition to a few important ideas. The text is divided into three parts: chapter one gives a simple introduction of Cherson in the previous Byzantine domination. Next chapter expounds as a military citadel, Cherson plays a vital role for the security in the north of the empire under the attacked of the normadic tribes. This chapter will analyse the external threaten in the early time of Byzantine, the foundation of Theme of Cherson, and base on Cherson as a stronghold, Byzaninte defence the intrusion of Khazars and Kumans. The last chapter will analyse economy and coin-production of Cherson. With the economic development of Cherson, it soon becomes the economic and trade centre of the Black Sea, the keypoint for the empire dominating the trade-business of the Black Sea. In the last outlook the general condition of Cherson, and make a conclusion that it is an important military citadel and critical trade centre of Byzantine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cherson, Byzantine, Black Sea, Slavs, Crimean Peninsula
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