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On The Tragic Style Of Haiyan's Novels

Posted on:2009-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X BaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275468336Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the most creative and influential Chinese contemporary weiters,HaiYan's works has intricate plots.The young youth and the pure, beautiful characters,the complicated feeling world which are all the attrative technique.However the most impressive thing in his work is the bearty of the tragedy.His works most follow the sestern aestheries thecries,especially the Asistotle's tragedy aesthetics theory.The essential part is presented in the comflicts.The essay is trying to divide his works into three types according the tragedy conflicts of his works.They are the destiny tragedy,the character tragedy and the society reagedy.They are all expounded.The first part discusses the destiny tragedy.It starts from the plots, the characters and the theme.The essay tells us that the writer not only slows the Strang farce of the cife beirg paresenteel bepore the hard desting by the cheracter.The seconel part discusses the character tragedy-the self cmflicts.In thu kirel of rwels,hai yan shows hi deep understandiy of the claralters. He describes the clouble natures whid are the good awd the enil,the beety awel the uglimess.It also presents the camplicated cimf licts.Between feelirg owel reasm desvie amd meradl,movivation.ard effect.The third part expowbds the society trageely.People's activities in the real society is limited by sorre certain history.The art of the tragedy that is only presented here is the personal character and action,however, it's the probiems of the whole rules of the society,the mind of the whole nation and their character.And the conflicts between the society and the people are offen prisented by those of the people.HaiYan's movels shou the eddp aesthetics of the tragedy.According to the characters in the hard society,they warch,observe,understand their destciny and admit their weakness.Puring the storggle in the predicament,it presents the moning and tragic attitude and the deep life awareness.
Keywords/Search Tags:HaiYan, tragedy, the types of tragedy
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