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Ancient Graphics Seal Of China

Posted on:2010-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275459030Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Graphics seal, relative to character seal, is a seal art category. Its contents have birds, animals, figures, myths and legends, flowers and plants, various scenes of life and so on. Based on a wide range of subjects, graphics seal reflects ancient social custom, belief and thought, aesthetic orientation, artistic expression and other aspects, has an important value of culture relics and historical significance.Meanwhile, graphics seal expresses all kinds of images and scenes in a small size, which contain an extremely rich design art value.In ancient China, graphics seal stemmed from Neolithic Age, thrived in Warring States Period and Two Han Dynasties, but declined after its heyday. In Yuan Dynasty, graphics seal sprung up, and after Ming and Qing Dynasties, it revived with some new art faces on the seal traditional foundation of Qin and Han Dynasties.This article is divided into two major parts. The first part consists of the first three chapters, which taking the development of graphics seal as basic context, starting from era background, studies graphics seal art rooted history, society and its contained rich cultural connotation. The first part also has a systematic analysis of graphics seal development by virtue of literature, and researches to demonstrate graphics seal's function, nature and cultural connotation in different times. The second part, that is chapter four, studies graphics seal's shape, pattern, and composition from the viewpoint of art and design, and analyzes its art and design characteristics and rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Ancient, Graphics Seal, History, Art and Design
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