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Lao Tzu's Philosophy Of Life On The Innovative Enlightenment Of Moral Education Concept

Posted on:2010-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275452491Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Every one of us follow our own trajectory in the development of life,sometimes life seems to be an elusive question,because we can't decide which way to go.In fact, although it appears misty,its real foothold can be found.We probably couldn't make our own decision for a while,but we can make up our mind on the attitude of being.This relates to the view of life and the attitude towards life.China is a country with rich cultural heritage,many philosophers or famous people have expressed their views about life through the ages,Lao Tzu' s philosophy of life is one of the most systematic and profound understandings,not only has deeply and lasting social effects in ancient times, but also has infiltrated the national ideology and traditional moral system,it has inextricably linked to the moral education system today.The view of life is not just a theoretical problem,but also has practical significance, it's better for our moral education to lead people the way of thinking their purpose and value of their life,instead of teaching the rules and regulations only,so people can live a moral life.Now,the concept of moral education must face some difficulties:the traditional moral education system,which treats the Confucianism charity idea as the center,is facing unprecedented challenges;the imbalance of moral obligations and rights has some adverse impact on the formation of sound quality of civic virtue;the lack of humanity and educators are two-sided on their words and deeds in moral education;the meaning of life is losing…we have to consider how to form the right philosophy about moral and life in the current state of society,so that the concept of moral education can adapt to and also promote the harmonious development of society.This paper is starting from the content of Lao Tzu's philosophy of life,analyzes its historical significance and contemporary value,finds out its inheritable substances,and closely contacts to the difficulties that puzzled our moral education system,then sorts out with scientific and rational guiding ideology,finally figures our the enlightenments that the traditional moral thought of Lao Tzu's philosophy can give to the modern moral education system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lao Tzu, philosophy of life, the concept of moral education, contemporary value, innovative enlightenment
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