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The Image Of Zilch Movies In The Chinese Film's Screen After The New Millennium

Posted on:2010-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the development of Chinese movie,zilch movies,as a special phenomenon,have received more and more attentions from the people.And most of these movies have got great box office earnings.This thesis tries to find out the narrating law of this kind of movie through the disquisition of zilch image,so as to find out the inner reason of these social and culture elements hidden behind the movies and to get better understanding of the zilch images in Chinese movie.The zilch movies research is a favorite discussion,but it is true that the research of zilch film after the year 2000 needs a whole criticism and arrangement.In the process of studying,the writer saw tremendous Chinese movies describing things about zilch,and these movies nearly formed a special feature of Chinese movie.The theoretical study of zilch movies is at a rather low level, however,this thesis would discuss the techniques of narration,the meaning of social culture,and the language of audio and video to deeply arrange zilch movies in a whole way.The thesis can be divided into three parts,which emphasizes on the ways of narration and presentation of zilch movies,as well as philosophy intention and culture meaning of human beings. It also analyzes the special movie language.Part one argues the zilch image in "the zilch film" and discuss in two aspects of classical zilch images and zilch image after the year 2000;Part two analyzes the features of zilch movies which consist of the category of zilch,the living condition of the zilch,and the language of camera;Part there clarifies the meaning of social culture of zilch film, which analyzes the culture from the arrangement of destiny,the continuation of one generation's spirit,the simple states,and the embarrassing figure image.This thesis analyzes a more distinctive personal element revealed in the zilch film,gives an explanation of the screen language expressed in the same type of movies,unscrambled the shot, color,montage,audio and the reflection of the minds that the movies bring to us.Furthermore,the thesis provides some new viewpoints,like the special method of editing for zilch movies which would improve the feature of the zilch film.A prose style of writing is applied in this thesis.It gathers the theory of all aspects of script writing method,film accepting psychology and also the film language with zilch movies text.It sets a large quantity of movies as examples to elaborate the features of zilch movies step by step.It also finds out what are the zilch movies' narrating style,the script characteristics,and the written motives,in these ways to dig out some laws in the zilch movies and then put it in the practice of current film making.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new millennium, Chinese film, Zilch movies, Image
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