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Research On Octave Technique Of Piano

Posted on:2010-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
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This article is basic from the perspective of physics, as well as the point of view of human anatomy octave piano playing technique. Try to find an effective training method of octave technique. This article is divided into five chapters. One of the first chapter: octave technique's important position on the piano music history, from a rational point of view to recognize the octave technique. It's including both individual performances: piano, people. Performed by each other's role. And at the following two sections of this article is on both the individual techniques. One of the second chapter from the physics point of view of octave technique to study the Striking machine , as well as the acoustic characteristics of octave technique, and to play the advantages and disadvantages brought about. Chapter III of human anatomy from the perspective of octave technique used in the course of human organs, exercise principles, and in different muscle type of technique to play a role. And then to play the "Stent" theory: that is, the hand required in most cases, fixed into a solid frame, that the firm stand to ensure a more sound effects ideal. And in accordance with this chapter on the human anatomy to guide the analysis leads to two chapters, after octave technique training. One of the fourth chapter is the basic training octave techniques, including how to perform physiological status of structural adjustment, to avoid tension, stiffness and other technologies often play octave phenomenon; and how to help little hand to open hand span by training. The fifth chapter analyzes the combination of piano works performed at the actual technology of octave, technical degrees will be approximately divided into four techniques: shoulder technique, elbow technique, wrist technique and General technique. And were representative of their work in the technical section to do a detailed analysis to the previous section on physics, anatomy of the analysis as a theoretical basis for specific training methods.In this article of octave technique, designed from a rational perspective to the existing knowledge of the natural sciences as a knowledge background, the use of related disciplines looking for sophisticated theory based on octave technique training. On the other hand caused the piano workers on the importance attached to training methods, co-workers looking for piano inspired by a more rational, effective and better scientific methods of technical training of octave. on the one hand, technology training can be justified, evidence-based, so that octave technique can be more responsive to mechanical and acoustic principles of the law and practice is more suitable structure of the body's own.The main results of this article are of physics, anatomy and analyzed piano recital of things must follow the objective law to a scientific perspective octave conclusion of training, and specific analysis of the training as well as the steps of the scientific basis. Through the analysis performed on octave technique, the fifth finger of the hands is important, that is, the requirements of the fifth finger than the thumb; Came out the "stent" theory of octave technique, analysis of stent application in the play and pointed out that required a firm stand by the corresponding muscle, the development of series of training methods; Make full use of the physical structure of the human body to "relaxing play": rest well playing, avoid stress, relax the body, to preserve physical; promote the use of appropriate training to improve the player's lack of inherent physiological conditions, open palms, and so improve the palm of your hand Flexibility and so on.This article is innovative. that is, the use of a purely rational means for the study of natural sciences, but also a combination of the actual study of music analysis. First of all, put aside the piano music, simple look octave technique, sophisticated in related disciplines as basic research, as a human interaction with mechanical approach to the sport to a purely rational point of view octave performance technique, mechanical structure to the acoustic piano, as well as the body structure as the principle entry point for analysis. then Combination of play and then the actual situation of the piano works and technique training applied to the actual concert, the General Theory and the actual work performed an analysis of octave for piano technology training more feasible ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technique
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