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Line--Research Of The Design And Visual Books On Track

Posted on:2009-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272992470Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, combining visual psychology, the arts and human psychology ordinary psychological and theoretical knowledge of psychology related to the design and visual track of books for research. In the demonstration process, the focus will be in line architectural theory applied to the design of books, use line theory to guide the overall design of books. Use books outline of the design and construction of a similar nature, that is, readers of books, sight mobile trajectory of the human moving indoors, as a basis, from the visual perspective of the reader, on dynamic, space design books, Trajectory analysis of the visual design of the books in the movement of the line through to the research and case analysis, solution design books in the reader's attention flows, with a view to acceptance from the perspective of psychological readers more in-depth knowledge and understanding of the design and visual books trajectory.Firstly, through research books on the visual design of the visual and psychological phenomenon physiological phenomena on the basis of the study on visual demonstration psychological and physiological phenomena in the importance of books on the second line in the design of the concrete aspects of the design of the visual track of books flow problems, and study books and the design of the visual track line, books on compact design is a coherent activities or events; again on the line overall analysis, design books is a kind of understanding of the overall activities; Finally, the three-dimensional book The line analysis, design books on the visual level trajectory in the practical application of the problem, seize the line in the three-dimensional movement generated, three-dimensional study in the line of visual impact trajectory. Articles from four aspects of the demonstration, for the designers to design in the book provide a useful reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:dynamic, visual design, psychology, books line trajectory
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