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The Affinity Of Engraving Art And Realistic Spirt

Posted on:2009-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ChenFull Text:PDF
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The deepest essence of realistic spirit is to reveal actual life so that to reveal the real meaning of life. Therefore the valuable art works are those who could reflect the social life and times. But there is a kind of"narcissistic"tendency in the current engraving art circles. The manifestations are that on one hand the artists disregard for society and for the current culture improvement--- they lack of courage to face the problems of reality---- on the other hand they pay too much attention on the skills and language of engraving art---- they emphasize too much on the delicateness and perfection of skills and indulge with relish in the effect of the application of the skills on some materials. The consequence is that engraving art move farther and farther away from life and people and become a kind of"talk-to-itself"art. Hence, as long as we broke the restrains of form of it the so-called engraving language and developed the realistic spirit, we could create amazing and moved engraving works.
Keywords/Search Tags:engraving works, realistic spirit, reality
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