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Research On The Relation Between Chinese Traditional Philosophy And Archaic Water-control

Posted on:2009-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272488668Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Water fostered the archaic Chinese civilization, Chinese traditional philosophy which borned from the soil of agricultural production, had a tight relation with the water control that tied up with the Chinese production and living, the advanced philosophy ideology were applied in the practice of water control, but on the other hand, the evolutive water control activity gave the philosophy a tested arena for its development and be perfect. The philosophy and water control contacted closely, affected each other, that arrached a prominent zenith conjunctly.Firstly, this thesis summarizes the Chinese archaic water control and its traditional philosophy, defines the conception of Chinese archaic water control and traditional philosophy which the thesis relates to, Based on these, thesis devotes to analyse the interlaced relations between traditional philosophy and inornate materialism and the far-reaching influence which the materialism to archaic water control, drives to illuminate the close relation of those two and the dialectic materialistic base of Chinese traditional philosophy.Although the conception of system thinking root in neoteric Occident, there was the germination of system thinking in Xia Dynasty, and was developed in spring and autumn Warring States, especially there were some same palaces between construction thought of Chinese archaic water conservancy and the principle of system thinking. This chapter brings the case study in Shao-bei, Zhengguo-channel and Dujiang-yan which were three famous water conservancy in spring and autumn Warring States, open out the tight link of water control and the system thinking, illuminates that there was basilic infulance in water control by system thinking, and the Chinese system thinking were summarized and advanced in a series water conservancy, both of them achieved a new altitude in that time."The combining thought of Heaven-man" was the main thought in the relationship of heaven and man, it is the magistral thinking form in Chinese traditional civilization. This chapter expatiate the tight link of water control and combining thought of Heaven -man which from the ancient to Han Dynasty, the combining thought of Heaven-man affected the all aspects of water control, from the harmonious unity to sustainable development, and the combining thought of Heaven -man itself was summarized and advanced in series water control movements includes the failure of that, which became the most characteristic part in Chinese traditional philosophy.The Theory of Yin -Yang and the irrigation method in farmland. The "Yin and Yang" was one of the most inportant category in Chinese traditional philosophy, because the water and the heat (which from the sun) had special function in production of crop and their unique status in the Theory of Yin -Yang: the water was the deputy of Yin, and the heat was the deputy of Yang. So the problem of the Theory of Yin -Yang and the irrigation method in farmland was a relational problem of theory and the practice, this chapter dissertate the commutative influence of the Theory of Yin—Yang and the irrigation method in farmland from the Warring States to Ming and Qing dyansties in turn, open out the tight relation of them.In the end, thesis summarizes Chinese traditional philosophy and the archaic water control, them affected each other, advanced each other, and to far-reaching influence, so them achieved the one-up status in our world. Based on these, thesis summarizes the internal difference between the westen technological philosophy and Chinese traditional philosophy, emphasizes that carries forward and diges the kernel of Chinese traditional philosophy, which has enlighten meaning in nowdays, and will coruscate the new life-force.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese, traditional philosophy, archiaic water control, relations
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