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Physical Collage Prints In The Watermark In The Meaning Of Creation From Ying Tianqi 《Xi'Di Village Serises》

Posted on:2009-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272462222Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ancient Chinese prints can be divided into two categories: one category is as a book illustrator and in the form of Buddhist paintings, and the other is to use civil form of the form of pictures.China's traditional prints from the ordinary to flourish has never been transmitted from the significance of the Ming Dynasty of China prints most prosperous period, in the publication of books was once formed a novel script "without Xiuxiang no makeup" situation, we can see that in the history of ancient prints position. Fengnianguojie when pictures of ancient China is indispensable to the working people of the necessity to reflect the people's customs and beliefs of the general public, is entrusted with people's hope for the future. These pictures Zhang Zi-artist father, accumulated, creating a number of award rich ethnic customs and the unique charm of woodcut New Year pictures. Gradually formed Taohuawu Suzhou, Jiangsu, Tianjin Yangliuqing, Yang and Development of Weifang, Shandong, Shaanxi Fengxiang, Zhuxianzhen Kaifeng in Henan, Hunan Shaoyang Huai head, Mianzhu, Sichuan, Guangdong Foshan, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, Linfen, Shanxi, Hebei Wuqiang, Yunnan Dali Regional strong board, and so on New Year's pictures.With the change of time, since there are prints from the most fundamental function - Communication, by the unprecedented challenges and deprivation. In this way, woodprint was purely as a form of art was retained. Under such circumstances, contemporary printmaking artists also discards the traditional functions of print, began purely as a purely creative art prints. Physical collage watermark is in the traditional print watermarks and woodprint no long-term changes in circumstances, the absorption characteristics with the other version of the traditional printing techniques watermark formed a unique visual effects and innovative new print, in the history of China's contemporary printmaking This has great significance.This paper is divided into five sections on the physical collage watermark print analysis and research cardingFirst, a brief introduction of a traditional prints, prints and objects leads watermark collage watermark engraving, and its production and printing processes and some of the characteristics introduced. Because such techniques in the print sector is relatively unique and minority approach, and is known almost no relevant information, so this part is very important.Second, in-kind collage prints watermark and the emergence of the historical reasons, as well as their representatives Creation of the relevant background information and analysis.Third, the traditional comparative analysis watermark print and in-kind collage prints watermark the similarities and differences that kind collage prints watermark in the watermark engraving on the development of the traditional conclusion. On the production of prints and print two creative space for analysis. Physical collage and printmaking watermark printed analytic means.Fourth, the physical collage prints watermark on the strengths and weaknesses in various aspects of the comparison and an example, of its limitations, and the artistic characteristics of this technique should be straightened out and definitions.5, the physical collage prints watermark for the continued development and extension, and notes that such techniques should be more available to artists is a concept, a new idea. Physical forms that Watermark collage prints should not present its final form, the need for more efforts to explore. In the exploration on the basis of encouraging innovation, and to encourage the exploration of such radiation from the new ideas and new help them in the field.Conclusion: Through the above analysis and explanations to clarify the kind of a collage watermark engraving, development, and the current state andFuture development, we all happened in the past is known, but the future development of our vision to be a number of steps, a number of possibilities. As for the physical collage prints watermark happen eventually, I would like to rely on this as a small group to continue to develop and promote there will be a better future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ying Tianqi《Xidi serise》, physical communication collage watermark engraving, innovation, development
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