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Goryeo And Liao,Northern Song Tributary Route Research

Posted on:2009-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360248456749Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation intends to elaborate on the evolvement and transformation of the tributary route resulted from a change in the political pattern of Northeast Asia, as well as its influence on the following three dynasties: the Goryeo, the Liao, and the Northern Song Dynasty.Political situation was unstable during the early days when the above three dynasties were founded. At that time, the Goryeo Dynasty just followed previous route established in the Tang Dynasty. With increasing stability of the three dynasties, tributary route experienced a time of rapid development, bestowed with characteristics of the time.Due to the existence of a number of political centers in the Liao Dynasty, the Goryeo Dynasty would appoint several tribute delegations at the same time to Liao Dynasty. This opened up a unique historical period for tributary route by land.While for the Northern Song Dynasty, out of an unprecedented development in marine technology, tributary route by sea between Goryeo Dynasty and Northern Song Dynasty prospered, on the basis of previous route in Tang Dynasty.Through a study of tributary routes in this period, we shall gain understanding about the evolvement of political situation in Northeast Asia, the development of transportation by both land and sea, as well as the influence of tributary route to the three dynasties.Tributary relation determines tributary route, while evolvement of tributary route will on the contrary affect tributary relations in a specific historical period.Being a tie to tributary relations, tributary route is just like a weather glass for relationship between Goryeo Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty,In conclusion, tributary route is an indispensable part in tributary system. As stated above, it acts as a tie to bilateral relations, while evolvement and transformation of tributary route is a matter of concern for bilateral relations. Therefore, a study on evolvement of tributary route is of vital importance for a broader research on tributary relations between the Goryeo Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty. This is what the dissertation aims at.
Keywords/Search Tags:Goryeo Dynasty, The Liao Dynasty, The Northern Song Dynasty, Tributary Route, Influence
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