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The Relative Essence Of Discord

Posted on:2009-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Concord and discord are the esthetic issues in the western harmony.Concerning to their definitions, we can take into analyze from several angles. such as from the esthetics, physics, mathematics...etc.And people always have various of the comprehension of discord,Along with people continuously investigate into the several-department music and the dimension of discord is also continuously changing.Such as at the beginning periods of several-department music, people always adopt to the the most simple frequency or the purest perfcet fourth and fifth interval.While at the period of formation and gradual maturity of harmony thinking, the development of discord factors in harmony are showed by many dissonant chords such as the second and seventh and so on.In fact,each certain history period has his own standerd of concord and discord.But as to the issue of them,many theorists and musicians have tried to do the theorestical study. But they still didn't find out a standard or rule that can classify them.The reason lies in the issue of discord itself is relative and being come out from many aspects.For example, the limit of ages, the variety of appreciation, the feelings of different people, different music styles factors and so on all can make people continuous variety and expand their comprehension of discord.As we known that the development of music mainly deponds on the movement of concord and discord.But the solving of discord problem passes through the whole process of the harmony development. This paper chooses the issue of essence of discord just in order to carry on studing and analyze the problem from the esthetic angles and so on.Then it can help us understand the harmony more overall and contribute to the comprehension of the harmony more deeply.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harmony, Discord, Relative essence
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