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On WangZeng

Posted on:2009-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242994690Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Zeng(987-1038),whose courtesy name was Xiaoxian,was born inQingzhou, Shandong Province. During the Xian Ping Period of Dynasty Song, he was well known by passing all the imperial examniation. He used to render service toSong Zhenzong and Song Renzong and had been the Chancellor for three times. As a famous politician in the early Song, he had made great achievements on domestic politics, diplomacy, policies and prople's livelihood.Wang Zeng had been in the central authorities for three times, with the title Vice Prime Minister,Prime Minister.He participated in the authorities of dynasty Song. He obeyed the policy made by Zhenzong, the King of his time,though he didn't apprieciate. When Zhenzong decided to erect YuQing Palace, Wang Zeng took the venture to be against the decision.Although he was not able to change the situation, he showed his character of feaness and patriotism, which was praised by Zhenzong.The imperial court was in a mess while Empress Dowager Liu held the authority.Wang Zeng strode boldly forward and persuaded Liu with tactics.He was also skilled at fighting with the treacherous court official Ding Wei.He finally rooted out Ding and settled the situation down.He was apprieciated by the historicians as the firm rock in midstream. As soon as Renzong took the authority, Wang Zeng advised the King to take the past as a mirror so as to construct a maral ruling. It was Wang zeng who recommended such Virtuous officials as Fan Zhongyan, Fu Bi, Han Qi,etc. Chosen for the country, they all contributed a lot.While in the regional government, Wang Zeng regarded all the people as the most important. He made effort to service the local people well.He was not afraid of the bigwigs and enforced the law justly.He was smart and courageous. In order to ensure the security of the region, he forbidded scandals and reduced the taxes. When he was recalled official, he treated the people generously and built local schools. As he had made great contribution to the local learning and culture, Wang Zeng was widely praised by the scholars. As far as the relationship between Dynasty Song and Liao was concerned, Wang Zeng sticked to the Defense of Cathay. That was because since the middle ages of Dynasty Tang, the national minority in the north gradually became stronger and the central government was forced to be passive. His theory of defense brought a new era for the later policy on minority.When he was sent to visit Khitan, he did well to accomplish the mission. In addition to safeguarding the dignity of Song, he won the respect of other side as well. According to this visit, he wrote The trip to Khitan, which was adopted by the later hostorical books because of the introduction of geography,transportation and customs.Wang Zeng was an honest person. He got along well with the Royal, his collegues, and also his subordinates. Although he was recalled Prime Minister three times, that had nothing to do with his personality or political accomplishment. It was only because the contest among the authorities. The Royal had a nice say about Wang Zeng's personalities.The relationship between them was also very good. When he was young, Wang was taught and praised by Li Hang, Kou Zhun, Lv Mengzheng, and so on. As long as he was in the central government, he not only got on well with virtuous official like Wang Dan, but also kept ordinary with the treacherous like Ding Wei. As for the younger like Fan Zhongyan etc. , it was really noble of Wang because he would apprieciate and promote them. Besides, he made friends with scholars like Shi Jie.Wang was born scholarly. He was famous when he was only an early youth. After being the Number One Scholar, he was even more famous.Living in the Dynasty Song, where scholarship was apprieciated, he certainly was able to achieve success one way or another.Little of his poets were preserved. He was famous for his poets. From these works, one can assume Wang Zeng's aspiration and elegance. He attached importance to history.One of his historical books was valuable among scholars.Wang Zeng's attitude towards politics was distinguishable.He insisted in combining high sense of principle with flexible sense of strategy. He could not only insist on his own, but also bear patiently. In my opinion, this had something to do with his hamble background. Wang Zeng was a virtuous chancellor. Compared with Kou Zhun, Fan Zhongyan, and Wang Anshi, his achievements were a bit inferior.However,according to the author, it was not Wang Zeng to be blamed.
Keywords/Search Tags:The early period of Song danasty, Wang Zeng, The politics, The trip to Khitan
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