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Analysis Of The Changing Process Of Moyan's Novel

Posted on:2009-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242982220Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Mo Yan,the well-known contemporary Chinese writers, obtains the higher reputation in Chinese literary for its unique techniques. Mo Yan's works express its unique literatural characteristics such as magnificent imagination, uncontrollable language, ambitious narrative, the feeling of novelty, rich and unique image. The memory of the rural life is the background material in Mo Yan's many literary works. From ordinary people's perspective, by using the near-spoken"miscellaneous language" style, Mo Yan wins the concern and praise from the readers and the general theory of community. The scope of its influence lasts so longer that no writers match.Based on Mo Yan's creative process as a whole from the past 20 years, this dissertation focus on the cultural research. The discussing scopes are from Mo Yan's first novel "Spring Night" to the last one " Life and Death fatigue ". Mixing the social and age, life and cultral features, concering with the theme of the works, the auther tries to observe the Mo Yan's work overall style changes in a systemtitc way: the author's ideological orientation , the art works of various factors and other characteristics of the different periods. The works of Mo Yan style flow are divided into four stages: the foreign literature from the innovative and experimental stage, the self-beyond exploratory stage, reverted stage to traditional civil and construction phase of the unique artistic world. Introduction tells the overall style and research findings of Mo yan's works.The first chapter introduces the foreign literature from the innovative and experimental stage through three areas on the characteristics of Mo yan's early creative style. This chapter emphazise on Mo Yan's early works of fiction from a historical perspective, to study the works of Mo Yan, which reflect the ideological themes and the reasons for the formation of Style. During Mo Yan early works, literary mainstream was "Scar Literature" and "Reflections on Literature," which pursued truth, goodness and beauty and the technique of expression was traditional realism. According to the Mo yan's own life's experience, he created a series of works which glorify party, eulogize the people, reflect the military life and reflect the rural life. At that moment, the creative approach was basically realistic and writing style is the traditional way. The language of the narrative style is civil spoken style, concise, plain and clear. Although it is "Imitation" stage, we can not deny it completely because of the traces of imitatation. If there is no imitation stage, there is no subsequent works.Reference magical way: Since the mid-1980s Chinese literature has a significant change, literature develops diversition under the new situation. The impact of the Latin American magical realism, Mo Yan begins stylistic experiment. At this time, Mo Yan has taken a diversity and creative approach and gradually finds their own artistic direction after years of honing. "Transparent carrot," is the beginning of Mo Yan's style significant changing. Mo Yan is clearly drawn Marquez's magical techniques, illustrating the mixing of illusion and reality of the cross-changing characteristics clearly. Mo Yan's prototype of the Magic's draw was not repeated or copied. This was because Mo Yan is not the concern of absurd fictional characters from illusary world but the figures from realistic world. He dosen't follow the existent story model, but illustrates the modern theme or explores the infinite possibilities through the existing stroies.Symbollic technique of expression : Mo Yan starts the new style of the exploration period from "wine country". symbol expression is the common writing practices in magic realism. Symbolism in Mo Yan's novel had also seen many, but has never emerged as a general characteristics in "wine country". Mo Yan's profound understanding of Chinese culture and human nature applies in the novels. "Wine country" extends the culture of wine, in which "baby" is the symbol of the future. " Eating infant" represents eating"future". From the entire story, we can also see the writer's strong sense of urgency, expressing the writer's anxiety of future. Jin Gangzuan as the representative to officials in"wine country", who "eat" is not only the cuisine, but wine country's future and hope.One of the multiple narrative: "Wine country" Lets us feel the charm of Mo Yan's novel, builts a multi-one of the narrative mode and can be counted as his creative ingenuity on the achievements. The structure of "Wine country" is the three independent system to build a narrative space, displaying the city's from three dimensions: surface, deep and spiritual life. Allowing two plot lines connected and related incidents and figures, the two lines happen simultaineously, and mix at end. In Mo Yan's novels, the delicate "polished" structure almost unprecedented. The multiple narrative cutts off the context of time and space constraints in the process of narrative, so that the state of the transfer switch and the scene totally subordinated to the "narrative" of mental activities. This method can obtain the absolute freedom.Chapter II is the stage of beyond the self-exploration period. Mo Yan has been carried out consciously the style revolution in the novels. His novels'have been the pioneers. "Plump Lady" is the beginning of Chinese classical novel model period. In this period, Mo yan's novel transfer to the national literature, but still continues the stories of the impact on foreign literature. It's the stage of testing and exploration period.Editing practices of Montage: the editing film arts through time and space of Montage has been skillfully used in Mo yan's works. The transiting and converting staggered plots develop a substantial leap effect. Mo Yan works as a photographer changes in a different perspective on all the different effects of different story novels in the time and space to re-stitching and give people the visual impact. Mo Yan's novels make boldly innovation, adding the time conversion based on a space conversion in traditional literature, mixing the foreign culture with traditional culture cleverly, which contributes to the development of the story's narrative time, the clear presentation of the overall structure of these long novels.Classical novels written: the clues of novel "Plump Lady" are the characters with classical novels characteristics. Each sister is not only a clue, disputing about China's contemporary history through their marriage from different angles to reflect the social situation and show the complexity and independence of history, but also the plots is interlocking. The integrited structure of " Plump Lady " is in line with the Chinese people habit, especially the final section VII in the novel, added the plot of some figures left in the first seven chapters. The characters or the plot of the story as the horizontal, with a description of the incident to the process of development as the longitudinal in the novel show us the crisscross network of figures clues and events clues, which is the typical writing form of classical literature.Mysterious omniscient consciousness-narrative:the explorations and efforts of Mo Yan on the first-person bring him out of the shackles of the original perspective, attenting readers to the broader field of psychology. In the novel of " Plump Lady ", Mo Yan narrates the Northeast rural history in Gaomi from many different perspectives as the breakthrough point which gives the novel all-round effects of time and space. The figures of Shangguan in the novel, as the omniscient narrator, describes a person who can tell anyone are not known beyond the vision of the figures. "I" is a bystander and a participant to express the emotion through the omniscient narrator's speech. Writers start from different angles, such as the family, the community, the reality and history to make the complicated narrative approaches and to demonstrate a complete and tortuous story to readers. In describing the art, Mo Yan break of traditional ways which are not from either a first-person or third persons described angle, but from omniscient narrative angle. Chapter III is the traditional civil reversion period, Mo yan, from the pioneer back to the beginning style which refers to traditional Chinese style. Mo Yan's novels of this period, both in the structure or performance, are different from the modus operandi for the past creative model. To accomplish the expectation of "retreat". This does not mean the traditional fully return, but contains years of modern fiction writing skills for Mo Yan, is a kind of transcendence reverted.The reversion of Folk Literature: "Sandalwood punishment" lessons Shandong local theater mode, lets the figures out in an opera form which enhance the art level by using the folk operal. His noval demonstrates the acceptance of folklore and folk opera forms. The Novel applies the traditional Chinese novel structure- three-step model, which renamed by Mo Yan in a strange way: "head of fonex– pig belly - leopard tail." The parts of fonex's head and leopard tail are the talking heroine narrative form. Mo Yan uses a distinctive accent which extend cat's voice opera which from the shang dong province's Northeast villiage. The plentive of using rhame and drama narration, the space sructure of "sandalwood punishment" is more broad. The clue of novels is clear and abundance and also has freedom space.Polyphony of the narrative: the "Sandalwood criminal," echos to several different voices. The writer abandoned the leader position,let the figures who are in the story of express individual freely. All the explainations conncted to a discourse world which show us different status and identity of people. Behind these explaination, the writer presents the multitude story complex and complicated.On the deep meaning of the works, through the confrontation dialogue, the characters vioces which reflect the distorted human variation under the tortural feudal culture. the novel Embodied more "community atmosphere" and the "Chinese style.""Zhang hu"approach ( a type of traditional Chinese novel with each chapter headed by a couplet giving the gist of its content)and traditional approach are employed in the novels in which the "Polyphony," is rather dazzling. The connects modern wirting approaches with classical traditions enhance the integration of the narrative of the novel and readability.Chapter V is the unique construction of artistic world. During this stage, Mo Yan's novel "Life and Death fatigue" is the inheritance of all previous creation. During the creative of " Life and Death fatigue", Mo Yan once again carries out a more resolute and more bold civil great retreat. In the civil withdrawal, the main position is conscious of history as well as the adjustment of the deep look at.Combining traditional and modern techniques: in the " Life and Death fatigue", the writer hold the"Zhang hui"novel model. He makes use of the civil cultural factors to return the Chinese traditional culture. From the idea of "six reincarnation" ,the traditional Buddhism in China, the writer described China's 50-year history of the village. On the subject of land to explain the relationship between farmers and land, he demonstrates the indomitable Chinese peasants, and the spirit of optimism and tenacity. A traditional folk style is narrative fiction. At the same time, the writer also applies the modern techniques of fiction, such as first, second, third person narration. The number of narrations happens in turns which give the readers more narrative perspectives and diversification of language. He has described the novel in a conscious state, and becomes the first existence of the body in novel, which is the obvious signs of difference from the traditional novel to modern realism novels.Unique perspective Narrative: in the " Life and Death fatigue", through figures of reincarnation of experience, the writer starts the survival of many people and states in the process of examining from the limited perspective on the process of narrative history and sometimes animals narrative perspective. This perspective frequent conversion with a sharp modern fiction narrative color. This narrative approach, enhanced narrative and readability of the novel. It is a special channels for writer to express the suffering people and feelings of toward suffering people's experience. By animal's absurd perspective, the writer reproduces the big events in those so-called absurd years. Through this cycle of reincarnation perspective and farcee color circumstances alleviate the the dull atmosphere of the novel, make the novel unique and lively.Mo Yan's novel from the initial drawing on Western magical way gradually to nationalize writing which is the beyond of modern meaning based on the inheritance of the traditional fundation. In the art ,Mixs the Chinese writing with the world,employes more diverse artistic expressions to illustrate people's experience and local history and destiny of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Analysis
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