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The Acceptance And Creation: Chekhove's Drama In Modern Chinese Context

Posted on:2008-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242972026Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chekhove's drama went into China since the influx of foreign literature from the beginning of the 20th century. Subsequently, it began an endless and difficult journey of acceptance and creation in China. Based on modern Chinese context, this article tries to probe into the course of Chinese acceptance and creation to Chekhove's drama. After the entrance of Chekhove's drama into China, and based on the acceptance and creation, Chinese dramatists builded Chekhove's Drama Pattern, and promoted the establishment and maturation of modern Chinese realism drama. This article is planed to elaborate Chekhove's drama in modern Chinese context with three parts.Part I mainly elaborates the condition of Chinese acceptance to Chekhove's drama in two ways. These are the reasons and the ways.Part II elaborates Chinese creative acceptance to Chekhove's drama. There are two sections: First, talk about original intention and variation of Chekhove's drama. In this section, it concludes that there was no ideology in Chekhove's drama at first, and when it came into China, there was imprinting of Chinese ideology obviously, in other words, the theme of Chekhove's Drama had converted at that time. Secondly, talk about Chinese acceptance to Chekhove's drama in different times with the way of longitudinal comparison. This section is formed by three periods to see the changes of acceptance to Chekhove's drama. They are 20—30 age , 50—60 age and the period of reform and opening up.Part III gives an account of the impact of Chekhove's drama over modern Chinese drama. There are two sections. First, the impact to the history of morden Chinese drama. Detailed speaking, based on Chekhove's drama, Chinese dramatists had created unique Chekhove's Drama Pattern and promoted the maturation of modern Chinese realism drama. This was also the most important impact of Chekhove's drama on modern chinese drama. Second,the brief valuation of Chekhove's drama in China. In other words, the increasing and decreasing value of Chekhove's drama. There is still a long way to go for Chinese acceptance to Chekhove's drama.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chekhove's drama, Chinese context, acceptance, creation
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