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Lotus Sending Fragrance Slender Pine Braving Snow

Posted on:2009-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242970249Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sun Li is a famous writer with his own peculiar style in the contemporary literature history in China. He kept writing more than half a century and created a lot of works, especially in his later years, he changed his style greatly. In this paper, Sun Li's creation will be divided into two stages by "Cultural Revolution", study on the variation in Sun Li's early and later works about theme of human nature; style ; psychological of writing. This writer believes that the changes in Sun Li's creative process manifested mainly in the following three aspects: Firstly, the deepening understanding of human nature. Sun Li highlighted the beauty of human strongly and persisted in extolling the kindness and beauty in his early works ,while in the new period, Sun Li took a comprehensive vision of human nature because of the complex and ever-changing political life . Secondly, the differences in creative style. Sun Li's early works with a sharp romantic atmosphere, focused on lyric and painted his beautiful and ideal world of poem, the works showed a positive style highly; Sun Li "did not like Romanticism" after "Cultural Revolution", and "just like Realism", the style of creation turned to desolation. Thirdly, the changes in psychological of writing. Sun Li's early works as out of step with mainstream literature, he carried forward the national spirit of the beautiful and youthful passion in the creative attitude; later, Sun Li concentrated on writing and thinking about the history and social reality as a "bystander".
Keywords/Search Tags:Sun Li, theme of human nature, style, psychological of writing, variation
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