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Recomment About Chinese Modern Literature About The Description Of Incest

Posted on:2009-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242494695Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of modern literature,the narrative of incest have anthropology and sociology significance,but in the special background of Chinese Modern Literature,the narrative of incest has the meanging assingned by the special era.This paper aims to understanding and analysing the works of modern literature from a new perspective and hoping to comprehend modern literature from a new angle through the narrative of many works about incest and the relative system inquiry.This paper is divided into such sections,for example1,From the age of mythology,incest is one of the concerning object of human civilization.And Chinese Modern Literary writers are still thinking and conducting research of this profound theme.This paper also analyse the research about Chinese modern literary state.In the process of analysis,some results about the exposition on incest are obtained.In the course ,some foreign theoretical research results of the exposition about incest, such as the spiritual analysis theory,the prototype criticism theory. The application of these theories provide a new perspective of the research about the works of incest.2 , Mainly discribe the relationship between incest and human liberation,especially during the periode of May,4.The tide of individual freedom and human liberation happened under the influence of new moral and literary concept.Writers are favour to take the sexual liberation as their subject.Incest description was also written by the boldly writers to show the emancipation of the mind and the expansion of personality completely and revolutionarily.Through the description of people's sexual incest to highlight figurer's resistance to the feudal ethics and the subversion of feudal sexual morality.During the period of May.4,the bold writting on sexual the behavior of sexual perverts are yet to complete the suppression of resistance to the feudal ethics of human destruction.Through the description of incest to performance of the normal desire of human and incest's yearning and persistance for love.3,Mainly writing about incest on the performance of cachexia.The persuit of instinctive desire is the rational factors of human nature,but choseing the way of incest is wrong.The incest which is stand the antithesis of social moral are bound tobe opposed by the community.Incetuous lust is the manifestation of the thisted and metamorphosis of personality.Under the stress of environment,human split,distorted,oreven abnormal,and then proceed to vent their sexual orientation on metumorphsis.There are human nuture evile factors,these evil and irrationality make people behave destructive actions in a certain state,such state led to incest let off steam nonsensible. 4,In the history of modern literature,mainly writing about the complexity and diversity of human psychological and spirit as well as anaiysis the nonrational and sexual actions over human behavior.The existance of nonrational is nature to humam and human impulse.Their own passion is difficult to control even if they know incest is the most spurned thing by people.In the conflicts of sexual impulse and civilization underlines tragedy beauty and provide people with aritistic appeal.In the incest, individual is difficult to choose in the conflict between moral and emotion.The conflict between human emotion and moral continue to plague the modern spirit.5,Freud's"Oedipus Complex"pointed out that incest is the human nature desire,which is the sexual instinct that human can not get rid of.At the same time,incest is an eternal theme of human civilization history and the performance of human childhood memory.In modern Chinese literature,writing about the theme of incest show writer's favour of this subject,human childhood memories are accumulate to"collective unconscious"in the minds of modern writers.The works such as"LeiYu"etc revealed the existence of the original image,incest themes in modern literature show a mysterious color.In the works of writers also stressed the influence of"Man of the left"on their own creation.This is the performance of"collective unconcious"impact on the writer's creations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incest, Taboos, Sex, Chinese Modern Literature
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