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The Application Of Love Element In Hai Yan's Novels

Posted on:2009-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242482215Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With great popularity with the readers but divergent literary critics , Han Yan's novels can be regarded as a"phenomenon"in the contemporary chinese literatures. While most of the researchers analyse his novels from material selection and the theme of the novels, few of them have artisticly analysed his novels from the perspective of the novels'mode completely, nor the cause and effect relationship between the thematic elements and the perfection of the narration..The narration and the application of the thematic elements in Han Yan's novels are very unique. The appliation of the love element in the successful characterization of the female characters, the start and development of plots, the flexible selection of the narrative perspective and the perfect cover in the transition, the conscious selection of the objective narrators and the structure of the narrative logic generate true reading feelings even through the plots are obviously fictitious. The combination of the plots and love element, and the characterization of the characters'personalities and characteristics completed by love activate readers'interest, making them the best plot fictions contemporarily. The successful creation of plot with the help of love element makes Hai Yan's novels not only"atrractive"like popular fictions, but also a tendency towards the combination of elegance and popularity in deepening the novel's theme ,exploiting artistic connotation, completing narration, etc. reflecting a direction which the contemporary mass literature develops towards.This paper is comprised of two chapters.The first chapter is about the analysis of the female characters in Han Yan's novels. As the successful model of the contemporary plot fictions, Han Yan's novels have impressed the readers with the successful characterization of female characters. All these colourful female characters are characterized with the help of the ingenious application of love element in the detailed description such as the characters'personalities, mentalities images, etc. Based on Never Close the Eyes, Jade Guanyin, What Can I Do to Save You My Love, Five Star Hotel, this paper analyses the female characters in Han Yan's novels with an attempt to search for the process that how to characterize the successful female characters through love element. This chapter consists of four units. The first unit is based on the love story among the female detective Ou Qing-chun, college student Xiao Tong and the drug dealer's daughter Ouyang Lan-lan in the novel Never Close the Eyes. I try to analyse how the writer characterises the two leading female characters ---Ou Qing-chun and Ouyang Lan-lan with the application of love element from the plots developed by the description of criminal activities. The second unit analyses the characterization of the perfect female character An Xin in the multi-dementional narration with the application of love element in Jade Guanyin. Leaded by death, the third unit analyses how love element characterises the characters and hightlights love element which is reflected by misery in What Can I Do to Save You My Love, and the characterization of the perfect tragic character Luo Jing-jing. The last unit is leaded by the leading character Pan Yu-long's experience in Five Star Hotel, it analyses the love story beween the male leading character and three girls---Tang Dou-dou, Jin Zhi-ai and Yang Yue on the set of the magnificent five star hotel: Tang Dou-dou's deep love , Jin Zhi-ai's reliance and trust, Yang Rui's secret love. The three different female characters are characterised by love intertwined with career, with love as the main clue.The second chapter comprises three units, it mainly analyses the promotion of love to the narration. The first unit analyses how the development of plot is based on the characters'self-incrimination in the novels and how love element permeats the plot reasonably to lead the development of the plot with the help of this self-incrimination. The love element leaves such blank for the readers to fill when it helps to develop the plot, thus generating tremendous room outside the narration to develop the plot. The second unit analyses the metalepsis in Hai Yan's novels and how he foreshadows the turning point of the plot and the cause and effect before the change of the narrative perspective which is hidden ingeniously under love to complete the cover of the narrative perspective. The third unit analyses how the writer permeats love element into every characters successfully without making them immoral because of the blunders and criminals to make sure the morality of the narration meets the standerd of the masses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Application
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