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Trend Of The Melt Interpersonally Design In The Post-Modern Linguistic Condition

Posted on:2007-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242466996Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is obvious that our world is no longer a purely objective world. Beyond the field of pure material, the world has formed a cultural field which fuses material and non-material, the material form and aesthetics, life and artistic consciousness. To research on design, we should not only focus on design activities as materialistic behaviors and design products as objective systems, but also profoundly and theoretically consider design activities and products at a broader social cultural level. The thesis is about the research on melt interpersonally trend in the post-modern linguistic condition from a sociological angle.The first part of the thesis respectively explains the reasons from two sides that the conception of design forms. One is that the post-modern as mode of thinking exceeds centre doctrine of modernism, emphasizes the harmony between human and nature, human and society, liberates human from the constraint of technological rationality and lays the foundation of thought for the appearance of melt interpersonally. The other points out the inexorably historical trend that design is shifted to melt intrepersonally in the analysis of the change of the demand structure and the shift of the consumption pattern in the post-industrial society. The second part elaborates the conception and content of melt interpersonal design. Melt interpersonal design is the inevitable result of the development of humanized design and the new promotion of humanistic thought. The promotion is mainly embodied at two levels. One is melt interpersonal and survive design which not only emphasizes the purely materialistic survival, but also combines human survival with aesthetics and the sustained development of human being. The other is melt interpersonal and communicate design. The socialization of human determines that any person couldn't survive without contact with others and the society. The materialistic thought of modern design isolates the relation between people to some extent. However, melt interpersonal and communicate design contributes to re-establish the kind of relation. The third part analyses the phenomena of design which appear in the whole post-modern linguistic condition, from pope design to post–modern architectural movement, from green design to non-materialistic design. They all reflect the idea of melt interpersonally to different extent. Finally, the thesis points out that melt interpersonally is the result of development of post-modern society. The thought that it reflects is human's self-examination to the crisis of industrial civilization. The analysis of melt interpersonally could help us grasp the trend of the development of today's design at a higher level and avoid to be lost in the pursuit of the style in pure design.
Keywords/Search Tags:post-modern, modernist, melt interpersonally
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