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On The Consciousness Of Solidarity In Haruki Murakami's Novels

Posted on:2008-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360218952122Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Haruki Murakami, a new spectacular author in modern literary arena in Japan, is crowned by laudatory names with Banana Yoshimoto as the'King'and the'Queen'of Japanese modern literature respectively. In the past two decades, his novels have been favored by readers in different countries, which brings out the so-called"phenomenon of Haruki Murakami". The solidarity, hollowness and depression reflected in his novels cause resonance of many Chinese readers.The main idea of the paper starts from Haruki Murakami's consciousness of solidarity, and explores what on earth solidarity experience affects Haruki Murakami's mentality and writing style through his own experience and the eastern and western culture he acquires. Haruki Murakami adopts consciousness of solidarity in his novels, so is the solidarity the theme and self-closeness and soul alienation the main characters of his protagonists. In order to escape from the solidarity, and to search for their own soul habitants, these protagonists use various ways, such as returning to nature, passion indulgence, material enjoyment and death runaround. Ultimately, during fighting with solidarity, these characters turn to revalue solidarity and face the reality bravely and actively. All these actions reflect that Haruki Murakami spiritly breaks through and rescues from human's life dilemma. The consciousness of solidarity offers modern people a totally new perspective to face reality and search one's own value of life, and as well as a possible way to treat their"broken hearts".
Keywords/Search Tags:Haruki Murakami, Novel, Consciousness of Solidarity, Mentality, Sortie
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