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The Unity Of The Institution's Evolution And Construction

Posted on:2008-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360218458004Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deng Xiaoping has some penetrating discussion about the institution such as"The most important is the institution","The institution is the determinative factor", and"The good institution can make the bad boy become good, while the bad institution can make the good boy become bad". Myrdal, a Nobel laureate, Swedish economist, pointed out that the factor that restrict developing countries'economic development is the institution and people's ideology .In china during the transferring time, instituting is becoming the focus of each subject's research. At home, many scholars researched the external institution detailedly and fully, but they have not paid much attention to the internal one and neglect to summarize and analyze the evolution of institution with the method of standard economic and other more scientific way logically and completely. At the same time, how to make the internal and external institution's organic interact and perfect coincidence is always a blind spot in theoretical field.In this article, the writer tried to regard the historical materialism as guiding principle, started from the economic ethical angel, used the Game, that's the modern tool of thinking, discussed around the topic that institution is the dialectical unity of spontaneous evolution and rational construction.In the history, construction rationalist whose delegate is North believed that human can construct the ideal institution by their sense; while the evolution rationalist whose delegate is Hayek believed that human's sense is limited, they maintained that the institution's formation and evolution is a natural evolvement process. Guided by the historical materialism, the writer criticized the two extreme kinds of analyzing the institution; put forward a viewpoint that institution is not only the evolutional, but also the constructional. As an object of many studies, the institution has many means. On the ground of the scholars'discussion about the definition of the institution, the writer grasped the essence of the institution on the whole; analyzed its classification and reviewed the classify standard on the meaning of ontology emphatically, that was dividing the institution into internal and external one; revealed the institution's microcosmic construction of organic interact and the natural advantage of the Game as the modern thinking tool in analyzing the institution. With the narration way of general-dividing-general, the writer discussed the general theory and deep regular of the evolution process of custom, tradition, routine, ethic and customary law in the internal institution; revealed the two kinds of value principle in establishing the external institution deeply, that's profit and justice and their intricate relationship. In the last, the article summarized the dialectical unity relationship of the institution evolution and construction, on the ground of this, the writer thought and introspected how to transfer the traditional internal institution and how to strengthen the ethic and law's construction to fit up with market economic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Institution, Evolution, Construction, Unity, Game
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