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The Writing Under The Life Light

Posted on:2008-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215987030Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chi Zijian, who has been writing for over twenty years and notbelonging to any schools and groups of literature and always works hard asa particular one in the scope of literary and earns the reader's approval andpopularity by her great achievements, is a special phenomenon in theliterary world in the New Age.The article, on the basis of the former achievements, on Chi Zijian andher works from the life conscious angle, which mainly angled her worksfrom her own life experience and feelings to understand and grasp theconnotation and specific character of her life consciousness from allaspects.There are three parts in it. Chapterâ… , the harmony of life and nature,with the influence of the idyllic and pastoral childhood life in Beiji Village,not only does she view nature as the home of spirit and the habitat ofpoetic flavor, but also values the free and natural life which has never beendestroyed and fettered by the human civilization; Chapterâ…¡, love and life,after seeing through the hardness of life, she takes honest love as a powerto resist the cold world; Chapterâ…¢, the meditation of facing death, thereare many description about death in her works by filtering the concreteprocess of death to see many emotional types, and described a warm,Faramita world, which not only ease the disappointment and terror but alsoshow her religious feelings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chi Zijian, life consciousness, nature, love, death
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