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The Modernity Of Henry James In What Maisie Knew

Posted on:2008-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215982568Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Henry James (1843-1916) is a famous British and American modern novelist and literary critic. What Maisie Knew (1897) is one of the novels James wrote in the middle period of his literary career. This thesis is to discuss the modernity of Henry James in What Maisie Knew from two aspects: the dramatic technique employed in the novel and the modern consciousness reflected in the novel.The first chapter "Introduction" provides the background of What Maisie Knew by the narration of James's international novel and his frustration of playwriting. It also gives a review of the criticism history of both foreign and Chinese critics.The second chapter "The Modernity of Representation" demonstrates how James made use of the dramatic method to serve the novel writing by the application of scenario to the novel design and the representation of the central consciousness. The application of scenario enriches the technique of novel writing and symbolizes that James treated the novel in a serious way. Moreover, the representation of consciousness is an important feature of modern novel. In addition, the thesis, through the dramatization of central consciousness, the central consciousness as the structural center and the discussion on the limited point of view, discusses James's modernity of representation.The third chapter "Modern Consciousness" demonstrates James's sense of multi-reality, and the sense of non-identity and crisis sourcing from his alien stance. James's consciousness of uncertainty of reality is exhibited by the vague character, the multiple views and the opening end. Besides, this thesis considers that James's sense of non-identity and crisis can be regarded as his modern feelings and they roots in his troublous times and his self-exiled life as an artist.Finally, on the basis of the discussion above, we can draw a conclusion that James displayed his modernity as a modern novelist in both the dramatic technique in the novel and the consciousness represented in the creative use of the dramatic technique.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henry James, modernity, What Maisie Knew, Maisie
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