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The Voice Of The People

Posted on:2008-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215975698Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), whose Chicago Poems has brought him much fame and recognition, is a well-known American democratic poet and biographer. As the son of poor Swedish immigrant parents, Sandburg didn't receive regular education. His humble origin and his working experiences at the bottom of the society led him to show lifelong concern for the ordinary people and greatly influenced his writing style and political views. As a poet with democratic thought, Sandburg's poetic aim was to write"simple poems for simple people". His most cherished ideal in life was to be"the voice of the people", to express the thoughts, feelings, and aspirations of the ordinary people. During the 1920's and 1930's he was one of the best-known and most widely read poets in America.As a poet with democratic thought, Sandburg always values the common people, sympathizes with the common people and stands on the side of the people to criticize all that violate the benefit of the common people. This thesis is intended to explore Sandburg's democratic thought in his Chicago Poems. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents Sandburg's compliments on the people's contribution to the society. Sandburg sings high praise of the common but not mediocre people who contribute a lot to the society. It is stressed in Chicago Poems that the people are the builders of the city and the creators of beauty in life. The second chapter concentrates on Sandburg's sympathy for the people in their sufferings. In his poems, Sandburg shows deep sympathy to laborers, soldiers, women and black people as well. In Sandburg's opinion, all men are created equal and these people shouldn't suffer the inequality imposed on them. The third chapter focuses the discussion on Sandburg's stimulation of the people to fight against the oppressors by exposing the social injustice mercilessly and by inspiring the people to realize their own potential power. He believes that the people would ultimately rise up and shape their own destiny. In conclusion, Sandburg's democratic thought is fully expressed in his Chicago Poems. Sandburg celebrates the spirit and contribution of the people, sympathizes with the sufferings of the people, and stimulates the fighting spirit of the people. His poetry reflects the real life and deep thoughts of the people, makes the people's needs known, supports the people's movement, and speaks for the interests of the people. Sandburg is worthy of being called"a people's poet".
Keywords/Search Tags:Carl Sandburg, Chicago Poems, democratic thought, people
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