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On The Referring Of Proper Name

Posted on:2008-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y GuoFull Text:PDF
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The referential problem of the proper name is always the focus which the logicians, philosophers and linguists pay attention to,especially the modern time ,this very problem has been being deeply studied and then such theories as the theory of description of the proper name , the theory of the historic causality and the theory of intentionality are formed .Frege, Russel, Wittgenstein and Searle ,the representatives of the theory of description tradition ,suppose that proper name do not have meaning which determines reference also has reference and it is the abbreviate slighted descriptional language; Kripke and Putnam who has presented the theory of the historic causality consider that proper name is the rigid designator ,and always refers to the same object in every possible world .And also they use"naming ceremony"to explain the forming of proper names, and the chain of historic causality to indicate the transmission of proper names'reference .These two kinds of theories each has its own advantages ,but also difficulties they themselves could not overcome . After the philosophy of language extended to the aspect of spirit and intellegence , Searle, as the representative of the theory of description tradition , start out to turn to psychological intentional region to study referential problems and unify them systematically together .During the developing process of the referential theory of proper name, four clear features are appeared: 1-the range of the referential object is extended from real world to possible world ;2-the context determining the reference is transferred form inner-context to outer-context ;3-give up to pursue the only certainty and the absolute reference gradually ;4- from repelling to psychological idea to considering that the realization of the reference of proper name by means of intentionality. These changing characteristics suggest we should use the cognitional context to study the reference of proper names .If so, we should not reserve the advantage of the theory ot intentionality in cognitional context ,but also overcome the limit which the intentionality solve the referential problem from the object area. Within the cognitional context,we could use the intentionality of the subject to specify the forming process from the contextizing objects to proper names and the conception of"the speaker's reference"to explain that the speaker realizes the process of the speaker's reference in concrete context for some special intentionality.
Keywords/Search Tags:proper name, reference, the cognitional context, the speaker's reference
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