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The Game Spirit Of Milan Kundera's Novels

Posted on:2008-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215965816Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a contemporary novelist, Milan Kundera's novels have unique features. His depth exploration of the wisdom embodied in the relativism and the Polyphonic Art skillful and humorous style inspire us all. However, in my opinion, the spirit of the game is the essence and basic stance ofthe Kundera's novels. The similarity of the game and artistic spirit of the game makes it possible tobe full of the spirit of the game in Kundera's novels. So Kundera is a writer who is very conscientious and practices the spirit of the game.Kundera's novels reflect the spirit of the game: First, the contents of the fictitious nature of fiction and comedy, including the fictional characters, symbols, ridiculous story and the details of the description of dreams and a lot of humor. Second, the very spirit of the game Polyphonic rules is reflected in the style, clue, figure and time. According to the spirit of the game, Kundera's novels reflect the monopoly of wisdom on the exploration and relativism wisdom. On the exploration, Kundera excavated it from three aspects: many possibilities of human existence; many kinds of possibilities of human performance; the situation and significance of a variety of possibilities. Relativism is the wisdom of his novels As follows: The novel is the territory of experimental ideas with the game. The novel is a moral trial overhang territory. The novel reveals the relativity of the value.The game spirit of Kundera's novels is of great significance in the literary history .It can be said that Kundera is the first one to bring back literary art from a moral judgment seat in literary theory and creative arts .He is the representative aesthetic fiction writer in "The third time" .His novel's spirit of the game is not only divorced from the real world outside the pastime, but also with a strong sense of social reality. In Kundera's opinion, it is in the vortex to be shrinking, and the novels are resisting in their way. The spirit of the game in Kundera's novels is a kind of attitude in modern society, a wise and a position and it also gives us a useful inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Milan Kundera, Game spirit, Relativism
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